This is not my panicked face

Dec 15, 2012 17:37

I get dry spells now and again with writing, so I'm not panicking over that per se. It's more that of course I've got a dry spell on when I have a truckload of writing obligations. So I'm listing them here as a sort of ticky list and spur to action, and pathetic gesture of 'no, I haven't forgotten you' for the Moonridge buyers.

Stuff that Mab has to write (in no particular order):

Two stories for Merlin, one Sapphire and Steel and one TS featuring minor characters.
Progress: Definite ideas, but no words down. S&S will have a crossover with The SCP Foundation universe because, really, that's a crossover made in heaven. Gen. TS is Brother Jeremy and Brother Marcus (and gen).

One Maiden Rose story for ElmyraEmilie. A definite idea, sex even. No words yet.

One TS story for Allasenya. A vague idea, based on her suggestions in her Moonridge email. No words yet. Slash

One story for Lit Gal. Lit Gal's desired concept fitted into a story that I'd already started writing, so that's something. 8,000 words thus far. Slash

One story for Sylvette. An actual concept, but no words. Slash

That's an awful lot of no words. :-( Otoh, I have now done the itty bitty stories I foolishly committed myself to for two fandom Secret Santas, so the above is it. That just leaves my commitment to myself to finish Family Business, which is All's Fair all over again so far as progress is concerned. But the thing is - I did finish All's Fair.

This entry was originally posted at Comments are welcome there too. :-)


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