I'm currently in Japan and I still don't understand how cd/dvd releases work... I learned yesterday via
paaaan lj that kanjani8 dvd was already in store...
Well, I've been out yesterday in Harajuku, Omotesando and shibuya and I can tell you there not a single ad for this dvd, no big billboard on the way (but HeySayJump have one for their past concerts in dome) ! Today I really didn't want to go outside since it's the silver week and every tokyo people are outside in the street and stores ... but I wanted my dvd >__<
I was happy to find a hmv in Ikebukuro, I took the train all too happy this afternoon ... and it was closed for renovation -__- I stopped by BigCamera which have a cd/dvd section ... No kanjani but they had the latest (latest as releases of the 23th september) cds such as Ayaka or Ikimonogakari....
After searching for other stores, the dvd was already in a used dvd/cd shop ! But I wanted it all new and shiny !
Finally, I went to hmv in Shibuya ! Well, it wasn't easy at all to find it. They only were a few of them and I really don't think it was because it's sell well ! There wasn't even a little promotional display ! No screen to show some parts of the concert ! Nothing ! If you don't know before hand that the band has a dvd released, then you will never know !
Yoko was right in recomen !
I wonder what their company's marketing people are thinking !
*a little angry*
The dvd will still be on rank #1 this week, but they could have put a little effort somewhere...