I wonder...

Aug 28, 2011 18:32

Lord am I asking for too much? Do I lack faith? Is my voice whispering at a time when it should be shouting? Do I lack ambition? Am I ready for what I really want? Do you have an alternate plan? Are you making me wait because something bigger is in the picture? Am I waiting, so I can truly believe in your power when the blessing comes? Why? I ask, Why? I feel alone in a dark place and I'd like to see light. Light at the other end of this tunnel. As I type, I can barely focus because I'm experiencing day 3 of a chronic headache. Should I just pack up and start this journey all over again? What should I do? There must be lines of communication that have been cut because I'm unsure if you can hear me and I really cannot hear you. Or am I mistaking your voice? Are you speaking through another being? Where r you? I need you!!!

Attempting to wait patiently... 
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