Dec 20, 2007 15:29
Its been a long time since I have written a substancial post on LJ, I guess its because of not a lot of people doing it any more. At the moment, people are returning to it, mostly to reflect. I feel as though this spur of writing will, what's that saying, go in like a lion out like a lamb? Its cool.
So last night was the IB party, it was pleasant and the party afterwards was pretty great. Unfortunately I didn't get to stay the whole time, and drove under the influence (two ways) which I feel very irrasponsible for. I was not to bad, but still its the pricipal. I am spending the night next time and just going balls out (as Daniel would say).
I was a little fearful of seeing everyone at the IB party. I mean, not serious, scared fear - but worried. I was afraid we had gone out separate ways enough (unless we went to the same school), it was going to be very fake conversation (if you know what I mean). No, everyone didn't come together like some big happy family. It was just like old times, there was something to talk about with everyone, in our little circles. We all mingled with everyone, but in a lor of ways, not a lot has changed.
I think my personality is pretty much the same as in high school. I still have a pretty sick sense of humor and pretty light-hearted (if that's not assuming too much). I have learned a lot academically, socially, and personally, though it didn't come in a form of great enlightenment, I learned a lot nonetheless. There is still so much in store, an I am really excited about my classes next semester.
Thee are so many things going on in my head at the moment, really concerning things from the last month, its been a roller coaster without a doubt. Nothing I haven't thought or felt before, just some extras thrown in there. I just wish things weren't so complicated and why I always find a way to make something seem more complicated. haha. Well, I hope to be seeing you before school begins. We have a lot to talk about.