Captain's Log Stardate 507756.06
By some small mercy it appears that the Hotel California has bestowed upon me some of my personal effects. Though I find it rather unsettling that said effects are objects I know were destroyed or lost at one point or the other. My tea set met it's untimely demise when we returned to the Alpha Quadrant and my coffee cup was...assimilated with the rest of the USS Einstein. I had put away the picture of Mark and myself with Molly ages ago...and I retired several of the uniforms I found in a small trunk.
Most of these items are things I had with me while on Voyager. If I was not already suppose to be among the Q of the Continuum, I would be even more disturbed by the nature of things within this hotel.
So far I have learned that the rooms outside of those belonging to the residents move. I have spent the last few mornings searching the first floor for the dining hall and had mixed results on how many doors I had to open to find it. They are truly never in the same place. I have also been told and possibly experienced it myself, that the hotel is riddled with spacial distortions and time anomalies. Parts of the hotel move differently through time, either faster or slower from what I believe and that there has been no way to track events as they occur. Captain Jack Harkness has also claimed that people tend to vanish from the hotel at will and could return the same or as an entirely different version of that person all together.
But I digress, so far I have met a few of the tenants of the hotel. A gentleman named Ford seemed rather surprised to have met me and claimed that he didn't know anything about a stolen ship. I don't have any records to investigate the matter...and as I told Mr. Prefect, there if little I can do about it given the fact that I am in all respects...dead.
Captain Jack Harkness and his friend the Doctor are quite a pair. We meet under rather unusual circumstances the other morning. Mr. Harkness is quite a character from what I understand, much to his friend's dismay. On my floor there is a young woman named Dawn Summers, who did me the service of meeting other residences living among of which appeared to be Dr. Julian Bashir from Deep Space 9.
I have reserved telling him details of the future since he claims to be from 2374...but after running into the Cardassian Garak...I think I may have to throw the rule book out the window and seek out Bashir's assistance.
I can still hear them. If I am quiet enough at night...I can hear them. Whispering.
I don't believe I have completely freed myself of the Borg...or the presence of the Queen.