Jan 05, 2018 09:26
I've been mulling over the new year and trying to decide what I should really be focusing on getting done this year. I have a lot of things planned to make, and I'll probably have the house to myself this summer if M gets the internship he applied for, so I'll have the opportunity to knock out a bunch of projects if I stay focused. I may have overbooked myself for this year, but I can always whittle down the list if needed. So, a bare minimum, with currently planned events:
My stuff:
Green embroidered corset for the Soiree. I'm just waiting on the boning to arrive to finish it up, but it's nearly there.
Blue and silver 1870s evening gown for the Soiree. Will be working on the skirts this weekend. I need to finish the corset before I make the bodice, though. I downloaded the Truly Victorian 1870s bodice pattern for this, and I'm excited to try my first TV pattern!
Black and gold 1870s day dress for the Soiree brunch. Underskirt is cut out and pinned together, but nothing else is done. Getting a little nervous about finishing this one on time.
Pink and blue stays need to be finished before the Francaise Dinner. I'll probably finish them after the Soiree, since all that's left is cutting open the tabs and binding the edges.
Ivory and turquoise sacque for the Francaise Dinner. I was nearly done with it when I abandoned it, but the bodice was giving me real issues so I put it in the naughty corner. I need to just recut an entirely new bodice front, I don't think there's any saving the one I have now. I'm not as in love with this project as I was when I first started it, but I do want to see it finished. I actually want to make a gown from that purple fabric I picked up in Dallas, but I'll only make that if this gown gives me too many issues.
Burgundy and silver robe paree for Fetes Galantes. I have a couple of lengths of George that will be used for this, and I'm super excited to tinker with this dress.
Titanic dinner gown for CoCo. Need to buy fabrics for this ASAP. There's a lot of beading to do on this, so I want to start as soon as I can.
Russian court gown for CoCo. Ditto on the embroidery, need to buy materials soon.
New Cardassian dress and prosthetics for TrekCon.
Great Pumpkin Levite for the Georgian Picnic. This one is about 60% done already, so should be easy to wrap up by November.
Pink 1870s evening gown for whenever. Won't be done for the Soiree, but I still want to make it sometime this year.
Red and white 1895 dress because I still love the fashion plate and want to make it, and I already have all the supplies.
New Regency ballgown just because. I'm tired of wearing the green dress to everything, and I taco-ed myself out of my Charlotte dress.
For M:
Burgundy suit for the Soiree. This is almost finished, I just need to wrap up the coat and order his trousers.
Green and silver court suit for the Fetes Galantes. I need to get started on this sooner rather than later because of all the embroidery.
Finish the two in-progress 18thC waistcoats that I started last year. One is nearly finished, but the other is embroidered, but not cut out or anything. This would be a good project for down time at work.
Burgundy breeches to go with his burgundy 18thC coat so he'll have an actual suit for daytime wear. Aiming for the Georgian Picnic for that one.
I also need to make a bunch of accessories for us both. He needs stockings and shoes, and I need a couple of muffs, lots of new hats, shoes, stockings, garters, etc. I always neglect my accessories, and I need to step it up. I've been drooling over Lynn McMasters new brise fans, and I want to take a stab at making one myself.
I'm going to try and spend at least one day every weekend on sewing, so I'm at least progressing a little bit every week. I have some ambitious plans for the Georgian Picnic, and I want to try and makeover a cheap popup pavilion that I have into something more period looking that I can bring to the event. It's the 10th year for the Picnic, so I want it to be a little bit flashier than previous years. Attendance has tapered off a bit, so hopefully this will liven up the gig some. I'm going to talk to some people about maybe doing a period dance demonstration, and a local group does period fencing demos, which might be a fun addition.
This list will fluctuate, I'm sure, but that's the plan as of right now. I really wish we were already set up in our own place so I didn't feel so awkward about invading the living room on weekends to sew, but it is what it is. Hopefully we'll get into a new living situation soon, and I can really settle into a routine that is mine and doesn't involve pussy-footing around a bunch of other people.
sewing plans