Let me get this straight. The
Mary Sue/Self-Insertion author-protagonist of the Twilight series is a perfect beautiful jewel of a girl whose only flaw is that she's clumsy?
Seriously? Clumsy? Because if that's true, I really have to ask: is it possible that this series is actually one giant parody? Every single Mary Sue (and I mean specifically female Mary Sues, not Marty Stus or what have you) in the history of the universe has clumsiness as their fatal flaw.
I know I'm late to the incredulous Twilight party, but come on, this can't be serious. It has to be a joke. It just has to be.
Also: Having now read a few excerpts, do you know how badly it hurts me physically to know that this woman is making a living off of publishing this shit, and yet I am a poor bastard in debt up to his eyeballs?
Damn it.