Barack's election (and marketing)

Jan 27, 2009 12:07

I have to admit, this day is historical for SO very many reasons.  Not only is Barack the first African-American to be elected President but he's got to be, by far, the most MARKETABLE President ever.

I mean, sure you've got your standard Barack merchandise like buttons, posters, shirts, clothing, and of course, the Presidential coins (in COLOR nonetheless), but we also have a lot of crazier, non standard stuff.  For instance, a friend of mine on LJ recently posted about the Barack action figure he purchased.

Granted, a lot of the merchandise I've seen is simply common items with Barack's picture on them, swiss army knives, dog tags,  paperweights, watches, life sized cut outs, we've even got BOTTLES OF WATER with Barack's visage glued on.  (No, I am not making that one up.)  Keep in mind, that's just the stuff with Barack's visage on it, and I'm not even mentioning all the merchandise that just says, "Vote Barack", or "Hope" et all.

Then there's the corporate tie in merchandise, like the Ben and Jerry's "Yes Pecan!" ice cream.  (Called the "Barack" Ice Cream, even though the box itself doesn't feature the President's likeness anywhere), and we got Pepsi putting out a "new" symbol on their soda to try and boost sales, that's rather similar to Barack's campaign symbol.

But here's the really funky stuff..

-An Obama Glow in the Dark bottle stopper.  Cause if you need to find a bottle stopper at 3am in the morning, this is it!
-Obama Soap (Hope) on a Rope!  Dunno, as my friends at point out, I'm not sure I'd want soap in the shape of ANYONE'S face rubbing around in my nether regions...
-The Obama paper towel holder
-Obama on a slice of toast (saw this on an eBay auction, they also have a site that sell them for five bucks each, spray varnished nonetheless to help preserve.)

Anyway, politics aside, I just find the whole thing kind of amusing and a bit wacky, but hey, it's all in good fun, right?  Can't say I'd feel comfortable having my face splashed on tons of merchandise (especially if I wasn't getting a cut of the profits) but, hey, it's not me so...

I tell you though, I DO wish I had some samples of Barack's hair... man, think of what THAT would go for on the market!

Anyway, if you'd like to read more about some of the crazier stuff out there, go to the Cracked article 18 Nutty Pieces of Obama Merchandise.

obama, politics, sales, cracked, weird, merchandise, humor

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