I was roaming around Snopes.com, the webpage on various urban legends, when I came across this link to a place over in Lake Geneva, Switzerland that had several pictures of the aftermath of a HUGE ice storm that they had back in January of 2005. Not only was there a ton of icy rain going around, the winds were reaching up to SIXTY miles per hour (110km/hr for our European friends.). Wow! The pictures on the site are amazing, I've posted some of them below...
I mean, holy crap, look at that! The ice is freaking THICK! And it's completely encased that car and the nearby bench! Isn't that amazing?
Okay here it looks like it's starting to melt a bit, so I'm guessing this was taken a day or two after the storm when the sun was out for awhile but there's still a nice layer of cold going on there..
Yeah, remember what I said about the wind? You can tell from the angle of the icicles which way (and how hard) it was blowing.
Anyway, there are a LOT more interesting pictures on the site. I highly recommend anyone who likes photography or such things in general to check it out but clicking
here. Course, I have to say, as neat as the pictures are, I'm kind of glad I wasn't in that area at the time. I'm starting to shiver a little just by LOOKING at those photos.