Two Nights later

May 25, 2005 20:06

I don't know what to say!

I met Argos, Fenrisitian's agent. He was pleasant enough, though a little odd. He was a sand demon who lived on a tiny island then I never heard of and I can't recall its name.

Well, I guess I should say how I got there. I woke the next evening to find a message was waiting for me at the counter. I went to retreive it.

The message, as I might have guessed, was from Fenrisithian. That blasted Abadonian had given me a plane ticket to a mainland near the destination island with the instructions to pack for a very long trip with little hunting and plenty of out-door time. He also had the nerve to tell me to leave my computer at home since I wouldn't be able to use it in the mission.. Of course, I am going no where without my laptop. It is the best invention the last hundred years. I am certain that I can use it regardless what HE tells me. I packed extra batteries.

Anyway, just in case, I sent a copy of my entire harddrive to a data storage place I know.

The outdoor problem bothered me for a while, until I realised that I could buy a black-out tent. Before running off to the airport (my flight left in two hours), I stopped at my contact's haven and found a tent in less than half an hour. Good thing my father left me an inheritance in secret, else I would never have been able to afford it. Frankly, it is quite hard for a basterd to make a living in our society. I decided I might need funds too, so I grabbed a bit extra just in case.

The next night, once I arrived in the final destination airport, I found I had a message waiting for me there. A biplane was waiting to take me to the island, and i better hurry because the night was almost over. At the airfield, I found a tattered looking old plane that looked as if it would crash in the slightest wind. And the wind was roaring fiercely.

Because I couldn't do anything about it, I grit my teeth, introduced myself to the grizzled old pilot and took my seat... in the open air! Oh Lords of Abadon, I certainly hope we landed before day break! I don't know how they got this guy to fly at night... I am just glad they did.

After a fantastic and thrilling flight across what I now know is miles of ocean, we arrived at a landing strip just in time. False dawn was upon us and I needed to get out of it. I was beginning to smoke. But being a century dead has given me a slight advantage that the newly dead don't have. I can withstand the pain of false dawn for a short time, and I have precious extra minutes in true light. I grabbed my moon charm and invoked the opening to the darkness spell, which would allow me to withstand the sun for up to 15 minutes if I had to.

Luckily, I was met by a messenger who obviously knew my plight and hustled me into the windowless trailer just off the strip before giving me any introduction or other delays.

Once I was inside the completely dark trailer, he followed behind me and shut the door. Immediately, a light turned on and I was able to examine my host. He was a dark man of about middle years, his greying hair was cut short and respectable and his clothing told all who looked that he was a relaxed hotel owner or beach guard, however, he had that odd offish quality that few other than other vampires notice. No, he wasn't a vamp himself, he was a Ghoul. A vampire servant. This in itself intrigued me despite myself. I was still annoyed and angry with Fenrisithian for abducting the only sister I ever had, but finding a ghoul serving on a remote island was an interesting development. (by the way, this is me and Charlie
, the camera worked on us because of our Tokens which can be seen around our necks, if you look closely)

He offered me a seat that I took and handed me a glass of pig blood. This sent my eyebrow up. Either he knew of my no human blood preference, or he hoped I wouldn't be offended by such a crude drink. Offering a fully active vampire a glass of pig's blood was usually an extreme insult. He paused at my raise brow and bowed.

Ghoul: My Lady, I have been informed, by the one who has sent for you, that you are a "vegetarian". I certainly hope you are not offended!
Myself: ::narrowing eyes and pausing before commenting:: Of Course you were. After all this careful work on your part to see to my comfort, I cannot believe you would deliberately go about insulting me. Thank you for your kindness in not offering Human.
Ghoul: ::Bows again, smiling genuinely gracious:: No, My Lady, Thank you for being who you are supposed to be and not minding the poor offerings I have. If you want another animal, please let me know and I will surely try to get it for you.
Myself: No, no worries, kind sir. Pig is fine enough for me.

He never did reveal his name, but I didn't ask either. It is best to not know in these circumstances. He told me that at a certain point during the day, I was to don the blackout cloak, carry everything I had brought, and to invoke the Darkness. It would be a ten minute quick walk to the meeting point, and this one could only take place during the day. I had misgivings at that point, but I was in too far already. In for a Penny, in for a Dollar.

Nervously, I gathered my stuff after a fitful nap and donned the black-out, but just as I was about to grab the charm, the ghoul bade me wait until just before we left. He told me to go to the back of the trailer while he made sure the coast (literally!) was clear. He came back and told me to invoke then follow. I did just that. I invoked the darkness. Anyone who would look at me, would see meerly someone walking in the sun with a parasol, if they saw anything at all (double layer protection), however the ghoul would see the reality. I pulled hood over my face as far as I could, braced myself for the searing pain that would come regardless of the spell and cloak and followed the ghoul as quickly as possible.

I met Argos exactly Ten Minutes later. He ushered me into a sunless dwelling.

Argos: I apologise, Lady Mathilda. I can only appear during the day on this side of the barrier. I am what is known as a sand demon. I won't take much of your time. I know that the spell has been exhausted until you can sleep, you are welcome to sleep here after I speak with you, then you must be on your way.

Fenrisithian wants you to know that your sister is safe. Her Token has been taken from her so that she will not harm herself or others while she is in his care. She will remain there until you have completed the mission. Also, You will be compensated in knowledge, riches and other ways that you will not know until they have arrived. Do not fear for the safety of your sister. She is in good hands and is safer where she is than where she was.

At nightfall, you will awaken to find yourself on a ship. That ship is landing in the harbor of an island. Your money will be converted automatically to local currency where ever you wander. Your mission is to find the location of a certain symbol and copy all writing and pictures near it. Then you are to make your way back to either Abadon, or this place. We will accept your findings and return your sister and any compensations we can.

This is all the preparations we can give you for there is a rule regarding this type of mission. We cannot break this rule if we are to survive. Good luck to you Mathilda. Please, rest well.

::He puts his hand on her forhead, she sleeps even though questions boggle her mind. She awakens on a ship. She pulls out her laptop and types in her journal. Puts the laptop away at the sound of thunder and a sudden rocking of the vessel.::

::As she finds her way to the rain soaked deck, a shout is heard that the ship has landed. She disembarks.::

token, arrival, abaddon, laptop, argos, charlie, fenrisithian, ghoul

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