Abaddonian Fiend

May 23, 2005 05:00

That cursed Abaddonian! When I get my hands on him, I will tear him Limb from Limb! With Jessie's help I am certain...

::Breathes raggedly as she seethes in anger, takes a calming breath, reminding herself that she is not alive and doesn't need to breathe::

All right, I am calm enough now... for the moment. I guess I am just too emotional, but I guess thats all to the advantage currently.

I came from finally meeting the area's Prince, his ruling body and learning the primogen at Elysium in the area. Finally, getting the chance to hunt for food and take my fill... and what do I find?

I find that my room has been invaded, my clothing is all over the room, my jewelry is scattered all around the desk and my laptop is open and on its face! My senses went on immediate alert, I began investigating the room, taking stock, trying to see if the culprit is still in the room. My now fully sensitized abilities on Standby. I noticed two things immediately. Nothing is missing and the supposedly un-openable window is standing wide open. Not able to pay attention to that too much right away, I continue to look around. No one is present, but I find a message on my washroom mirror where all the lights are turned on. The message wasn't in words, and at first it confused me a little. It was a drawing (in KETCHUP of all things!) of a circle within a circle nearly the same size. On the right upper edge another circle makes it look like a diamond ring, and indeed there are bling marks all around it. I didn't understand. Sure, I wear rings, but they are usually Ankh and fairies. And I am not currently being courted, so I had no idea why there would be a Diamond Ring on my mirror.

Convinced, by sight, smell and Feel that I was quite alone in the hotel room, I moved from area to area setting things right, collecting clothes, taking stock of jewelry. I decided I didn't want to know about my laptop until I had to. Finally, all that was left was the window and the laptop... choosing the lesser of the two evils, I went to the window.

There was no balcony! There was only a ledge and what looked to be prybar marks on the outside edge! Crap! Who knew I was here? I examined the scene a bit closer, trying to keep in mind everyone who had a grudge against me. The marks were not prybar marks afterall. They were clawmarks. Great. A Demon. And me without my demon repellant. Not too many who are after me who command demons. Narrows the list a bit. But I can't do anything about that now.

Dawn being a meer few hours off, I needed to get that window shut and blacked out. Bless Charlie for her thoughtfulness in giving me that Black-Out Cloak. It was large enough to cover the entire window, and small enough to wear even inconspicuously. Thankfully, whoever sent that demon must have given it specific directions to only gain my attention because I found the cloak draped over a nearby chair. I HAD left it on the window.

Well, getting the window taken care of, making sure no wind was getting through to move the heavy cloak during the day, and straightening the room one more time left me my laptop.

Fearing it was broken, I approached it carefully and lifted it up. The screen saver was on. I hit the button that would turn off the password protected screensaver and saw that a note had been left. Thankfully, nothing was broken, nothing was deleted. Although my jounals had been accessed, evidenced by the open screens!

On the text editor in font as large as could be (intelligent Demon! I don't know ANYONE that strong!) a note.

::Shakes with rage:: It doesn't matter the exact words, I deleted em in my annoyance. Wish I hadn't. It wasn't saved. The basic gist was this: Charlie is captured. Her Token taken. Neither will be returned unless a mission is completed. I am to meet with his agent in two days on a little island in the South Pacific. His agent will instruct me what the mission will be and how to go about accomplishing it.

It was signed: Fenrisithian, Lord Minor of Abadon, realm of sorcery.

Oh yes, I knew about HIM. He is the one who gave my "clan" its powers. Its because of HIM that I can do the 'tricks' I do. Robert found that out for me. Dammit Robert! Where are you?

I also knew that there was nothing I could do about it currently. Even though, in my rage I swore just now to tear him limb from limb, I knew the impossibility of such a thing. And I knew the results of such a thing should it occur. Personally, I don't want to guide a demon horde in Abadon. Though I can certainly wish the worst for him. Who knows, perhaps one day... anyway, I digress. I must find my way out to the meeting point by this time in two nights.

fenrisithian, token, abaddon, sorcery, robert and jessie, charlie

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