Dec 06, 2005 12:44
I'm having a shitty ass week and it's only Tuesday. This house is a giant piece of shit and the landlord is the diareha coating. The thing should just be demolished. Yesterday the water in the bathroom sink was coming out brown and then the pipes froze this morning and when Tyler called to tell the landlord... his responce was "Ok." ASS BAG!
On another note... I think I might fail my Visual Structures class. This teacher is the biggest douche in douche-land. He takes an entire class period explaining the projects (i think it's because he likes to hear his own voice) and then I work my ass off on these projects and I'm really proud of them... and I hand them in and get C's and D's. He grades them completely different from the way he explains what he wants.
Worst of all... if I fail one class then that means I won't qualify for my scholarship next semester so I won't be able to pay for school, so I'll have to drop out for a semester. I'm not totally freaking out about it yet because I still have another project to turn in and the final... but I am a little nervous because I've just been trying so hard... I mean it's not like I slack off or anything. Eric said that if I just did my best he thought I sould get at least a C... but that's the thing... I have been doing my best all semester and it's not paying off. It's just so frustrating because it would be different if this was some crap class that I didn't care about, but I should really understand this stuff if I'm going to be an Illustrator.
Well that's enough venting and I feel like I'm about to fall asleep (as usual) so I think I'm gonna go take a nap before my next class.
P.S. I love you Cherie! I know it's hard but you're not alone!!!