Oct 27, 2008 01:06
My jaw is killing me.
I went out and played broomball with some friends tonight and oh.my.gawd. I got nailed in the jaw with the ball (mind you, this is the jaw I've dislocated twice already... awesome!) and ripped my pants at the knee (to be completely honest that just made me feel like a badass... so I can't really complain about that). It was loads of fun but Stephen smacked me in the face and kicked me twice and never said a damn word to me (no "are you okay" no "oops - sorry"). If everyone there was like Stephen I would never go. Ever. ...cocky bastard.
The good news is that the machete (which Ash and I have yet to name - yes... we're awesome like that) is now with me. Ash and I decided joint-custody was the best plan for our little machete and it makes me feel really awesome. I think my awesomeness went up about 200% since obtaining it, actually (margin of error is about 5%). So I got to walk around a church with a machete half in, half out of my bag. Awesome.
Other than that life is continuing to kick major ass. Today I didn't work at all and tomorrow continues my brief little weekend (laundry and sewing... woohoo!). I'll try to make it out to the chiropractor sometime between that too because something tells me this isn't going to get better on its own.
I should take some ibuprofen. ...now.
- As Always -