Jul 16, 2008 09:48
Just a few short days and I'll be home. Usually I look forward to going home, but this time I'm plagued with a bit of trepidation. That's not to I won't have a good time, I KNOW I will. I just am not looking forward to certain aspects, like spending money. We'll (unexpectedly) have to rent a car this time which will eat approximately 1/4th of the money I've saved to spend on wedding expenses for this trip (not including gas). I wanted to have gifts for the bridesmaids and other relevant ladies that are putting in more than their fair share of work towards this whole thing, but it's just not in the budget right now. I feel like I'll look like an ungrateful bride. I look forward to most everything else. Can't wait to hit up Shakespeare in the Park, Thursday in the Square and the like. Can't wait to show my sister-in-law and friend Jamie my great home.. except the lack of air conditioning and cramped sleeping quarters. Can't wait to actually SEE the place we'll be married this fall (everyone else has seen it but us, lol). There are other issues that bother me, family ones mostly. I know I can't please everyone, but sometimes my family (both sides) put me in really crappy positions. I have valid reason to complain, but I feel bad doing it since everyone's doing so much for the wedding. I'll be over it by the time I get there, water off a duck's back and such, but for now it's eating at me a bit.
My research is like a boulder in a stream, unmovable. I'm getting really frustrated with the lack of input by my host. I'm going to start going to my committee members if something doesn't change soon. If I don't start getting some serious feedback within the next year I'm likely to scrap it and get into the real world for awhile....
Other parts of my life make my heart glad in such a satisfying way. The new car is sweet. Knowing Paul's safer and more comfortable on his commute to and from work is reassuring. His job is doing him well, putting his best capabilities to work and providing a sense of real accomplishment I think. He really deserves to have a productive and meaningful position, and I think for the first time he has one. He can be proud of the work he does as it's practical application is meaningful in the real world. Overall, knowing what's coming in the fall makes me the most glad. I can't help but smile even as I type.