Remember, remember the month of October

Oct 17, 2011 10:54

What's this!??!? I'm going to paste a Facebook note again? (It's like I can't pick just ONE place to rant):

Occupy whatever you want, I'm not going to criticize anyone for being upset at financial institutions and/or government.

But let's get one thing straight-- it's not just 'hippy-liberals with their shirts off' who are doing this. Everyone is fed up with how Government and businesses are running things.

This is spreading globally, it's a general strike against the status quo. And that status quo, I feel, is capitalism.

Sure, we were OK with capitalism for 200 years; but lately, American businesses don't invest their profits back into.. AMERICA, propping us working people up with delicious jobs like they used... no,they invest overseas and create jobs overseas. (And no, it's not because of taxes; for a multitude of reasons they have no incentive to invest here)

A good look at history will tell you that in its infancy, capitalism exploited workers much worse than anyone could dream of today (think, like, Chinese working conditions, but 10x worse, and IN AMERICA.) This is how 'labor unions' for first formed. To combat the abuses of capitalism upon working people. Militia, police, and US troops were used to violently put an end to strikes back then. And immigrants, a bigger issue then than they are now (and were 'unskilled workers') were brought in as scabs during strikes. Thus, immigrants were hated by domestic America workers, and this created conflict among the very people who were, basically, in the same economic boat.. and just as "other issues" today (I could name many, just turn on any 24 news for some of them) distract and divide the working-poor (they aren't really a 'middle class' at all) so it was also back then-- just usually a lot less subtle about their xenophobia and racism..

So. Fast forward 100 years.. and Unions, who had fought to undo the 'sweatshops' of America, are dwindling and under attacks. Socialism's bastard child, communism was 'proven wrong' by capitalism. I won't go into all the reasons how original Marxism and modern socialist counties are NOT AT ALL like communist Russia, but I will say they 'THEY DO PRETTY GOOD FOR THEMSELVES and their citizens are happy.' Therefore, capitalism has some 'competition,' and I thought capitalists were all about that?

So anyway, capitalism won. Especially during the cold war, but more so after the fall of the Soviet Union, capitalism spread. Today we are all part of a global economy, and America is still, of this typing, the number one economy. What does that mean? It means the world has come along with us and decided to all be capitalists together, and we are the nucleus and top dog. All of Europe together, with their little Euro-problem of the moment (to put it bluntly), kind-of is on par with our economy. That's how many little European counties it takes to compare to us. Where we really excel though is the financial markets. Where we really fuck things always in the financial markets!

And that's where the Occupy Wall Street people are flocking, and I don't blame them. I don't think it will fix anything until we can make this into a 'cause' or 'political issue.' Saying "Them rich people gots more monies than me and I don't like that kind of thing!" won't fix anything. But raising awareness, and arousing the like-minded sufferers of capitalism from around the world.. the over-worked, the under-paid, the laid-off, the used-abused, and those who watched their life savings disappear overnight in the stock market.. these people have a reason to be there! If that 'upset feeling' can just be channeled correctly.. maybe we can finally undo corporate/financial domination of this country. From day 1, 1776, it has dictated how our country is run and our laws. History is the proof. Speaking of proof, depressions like the one we are in now happen every couple of decades-- maybe not by design--it's more like the probability of a "Neo" arising in the Matrix... it's mathematically going to happen. And rich people/corporations (which are now legally people) can whether such falls in the market (and many times profit from it).. regular people, not so much.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we should all switch to socialism, but our country started off as a 'grand experiment.' The world is changing, the world economy is challenging and new. Can we not evolve again? Washington is so stagnant that protesting there just seems like a waste of time. So why not go to Wall Street? AKA Washington DC's purse!

I support these people, but I want their protest to become something greater. Long live V!!!!
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