[ October ] [ Post Ten ] Het

Oct 16, 2006 00:32

Note: Amazing. I'm late again. Well, I'm going to make it this time as well. As usual, there's only a handful of fics in this category, but I'm working on it. Honest.

Labyrinth: 2 fics
Roswell: 1 fic
Ouran Koukou Host Club: 2 fics

A Forfeit of Dreams by KL Morgan
Jareth/Sarah :: Mature :: 138,000 words :: Dimension-travel :: Favorite
If you had a second chance, would you take it? If you had a choice, would you do the right thing? And if you had a dream... What would you give to make it come true?
I first watched the movie when I was about eleven years old and I immediately fell in love with it. Nowadays, I can't really say that I love the movie, but I sure have fond affection for it despite the fact it's rather outdated. Besides, the most important thing is the plot, and the plot of this movie is strong enough to prevail for this long.
About the fic: so far through my stint in the Labyrinth fandom, I've decided that I prefer Sarah to return when she's older and less innocent. I also prefer my fic with an edge, perhaps just enough blunt not to cut myself, but perhaps not. That is also what this fic has: an edge. The fate of Jareth, the games that lay between them, the male OC that somehow manages to carry the fic on his shoulders... I love reading Jareth through his eyes, because it's through his eyes, he seems almost real enough to touch.
I'm aware that the author of this fic has written a sequel, but to be honest, I wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole. For me, the end of this is perfect and to twist it further, would only disrupt the deliciously edgy feeling of dislodged contentment mixed with disquiet.

Something Real by Jinni
Michael/Liz :: 1300 words :: Love Potions :: Crossover (BtVS/Roswell)
When Ethan takes the easy way out, Liz and Michael discover something pretty special.
*blinks* Uh, yes, I didn't expect to stumble on this at TTHFanfic. Nor did I expect to be teased briefly back into a fandom I haven't visited in years. Uhm. This was a very pleasant nostalgic trip though, especially for someone like me who's always had a soft spot for this pairing.

The Enticement by Scattered Logic
Jareth/Sarah :: Mature :: 74,600 words :: Seduction
In exchange for returning to the Labyrinth, Sarah is offered what she desires most... She's about to learn there is a huge difference between fantasy and reality.
If I am to be honest, I shouldn't have liked this fic. I didn't believe in Sarah even if Jareth was better, and I, well, don't like when Labyrinth fics are settled the way this one was. But, if there's something I'm a complete sucker for, it's a good seduction. And this fic certainly is one. Plus there are a couple of very nice moments within.

Ouran Koukou Host Club
All That I Give You by Amwong88
Kyouya/Haruhi :: 1700 words :: Moments
It was just a question. Likewise, it was just a gift.
I went on a spree through FFN the other day, searching for good Kyouya/Haruhi fic. It wasn't easy, but this one I happened to like. It isn't exceptional by far, but it has a certain subtile appeal to it. And neither Haruhi nor Kyouya starts singing love songs to each other. Which is always a plus.

Ouran Koukou Host Club
The Education of Fujioka Haruhi by K. Stonham
Kaoru/Hikaru/Haruhi :: 1900 words :: Moments
Lessons in math and other things.
I have this author's site bookmarked for some reason, and when I updated links over the weekend, I found this fic while browsing. It isn't quite what it could be with a bit of tweaking, but still it captured my interest with a believable Haruhi and a poignant moment that is, well, reasonable and it works. Which might not sound like praise, but believe me when I say it is.

ouran koukou host club, labyrinth, roswell

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