I finally sat down to watch (I'd re-watched Husbands of River Song not that long ago, plus, Netflix delivered it). So I'm partially caught up.
So. I really have loved just about everything Moffat has written since I first saw Coupling. Most of his tropes and tricks resonate with me (John Rogers and his crew get the same with me, generally).
However, I really didn't like the episode as a whole. I can see that he was gifting his own superhero movie pastiche to the world, but it fell flat. I didn't care about the superhero sub-plot (in fact, I thought Grant was a bit of a Nice Guy and gross for lusting after his Unattainable Woman instead of telling her to her face...). I found the romance similarly meh.
While I liked Lucy, she sort of had to be all things to all women as she was the only female character in the episode. I know it's a numbers game and the cast can't be huge, but for fuck's sake. She literally has an off-screen conversation with another woman - that could have been put on screen, and I would probably have been happy. But no.
The Doctor parts were fine. I even liked Nardole, who I couldn't fucking stand in the previous episode (he was so whiny, you guys). But Twelve being Twelve (and occasionally holding a baby, thanks, Twelve) was the only redeeming feature.
That, and the end with the River Angst (which was sort of in the rest, but not as noticeable). Because I like River Angst.
But otherwise, I thought this was a mediocre outing that didn't really enthuse me for the show.
I'm sure if I were age ten it would have been awesome.
For comparison, my favorite Christmas episodes:
The Doctor, The Widow & the Wardrobe
Runaway Bride
Does the one with Christina count? Because that one.
Clara Oswald, Victorian Adventuress (I'm sure it has a name, but I'm lazy)
The Time of the Doctor
Last Christmas (especially for the painful Danny bits, because, oh Clara my heart)
I liked the evil Christmas trees one, and I have vague memories of liking the Christmas Carol (except for the beautiful dying woman part), sort of.
I didn't like Cybermen over Victorian London one.
And I would need to be paid to watch Last of the Time Lords or whatever it was called.
(you will note a theme in my enjoyment factor: various women kicking ass, flying spaceships and buses and taking names... or just slapping Ten)
So, basically, really disappointed in the episode. Even though there were parts I liked.
Cross-posted from Dreamwidth. (comment wherever)