and everytime I go to bed an image will be flickers in my head
Mar 05, 2014 21:16
1. There is going to be a Charley Pollard box set. FINALLY. *grabs* (the Companion Chronicle they did with her was highly entertaining, I expect this to be, too).
2. Recently got an email from my temp agency assuring me we will have a month's warning if current place of employment decides to let any of us go. Since said email was cc'ed to the dude that was let go two weeks ago... um. Yeah. (not a lot of faith in that promise from our Upper Management--not my immediate team leads, but the Business People)
3. I am caught up on Elementary and sort of confused as I kept seeing a lot of "Joan doesn't DO ANYTHING anymore" commentary and, uh... Yeah, she does. A lot.
4. Caught up on POI, too [Spoiler (click to open)]OMG CARA STANTON I MISS YOU WHY DON'T WE GET MORE OF YOU. YAY ROOT. um. yeah, not really coherent, there.
5. I am also caught up on Scott & Bailey (I don't even remember why I paused my watching). OMG YOU GUYS THERE IS A FOURTH SEASON. Thank god. Now, if they'd just put the show out on region one DVDs. [Spoiler (click to open)]I should have a longer post about this, BUT RACHEL, PLEASE GROW UP SOME. YOU ARE MAKING ME ANNOYED as some of your childish "I don't want to do my job while pretending I am totally doing my job" bullshit reminds me of my co-workers whose slack I have to pick up. (omg I just checked Amazon, seasons one and two are listed as actually being in some form of region one)
6. Still not caught up on: Sleepy Hollow, Covert Affairs, Continuum. Also, Haven (I think this break might last longer than the last one--I don't think it's an SGA-type break-up, but. We'll see.)
"Ohhh-no. I know that trick, electrified doorhandle, me on the old carpet, spitting foam." "Don't be absurd, Harry, the doorhandle isn't electrified." Sound of an electrical zap followed by a shriek and a thud in the distance. "Must be the knocker, today."
"And you, are you any good at carrying things?"
"The train was on time, the hotel was lovely and the towels were terribly soft." "And the weather?" "It held out all week--which is more than you can say for the marriage."
"Mysterious people in attics always do. I'd bet my hat on it. "You don't have a hat." "No. And apart from my missing hat, that leaves just one more mystery to solve."
"You look as though you've reached a sort of social empasse." "Then get us out of it, Ludo!"
"Oh, Ludo, I could kiss you all over." "'s not that kind of show, Miss Luna."
"Yeah, but, what're you gonna do with it?" "Burn down the sky, of course!"
It's full of a great cast of characters and an entertaining villain. It's a bit Ghost Light meets Greatest Show in the Galaxy, but also terribly heart-breaking in the end. And I want all of the fic for the characters: I want more about Queenie and her father, the Randall brothers and Miss Luna. I want Mrs. Kerniddle's backstory. I'll even take fic about Ludo. Sigh. I think Zagreus is still my forever favorite, but I love this one so much (I've listened far too often at work)
*sings* Who's welcomed warmly everywhere by stalwart men and ladies fair? Who to the children all is dear? - The Doctor! Who gives the monsters such a shock? Who likes a side-kick in a frock? Who foils the Gods of Ragnarok? - The Doctor! He travels through the web of time! He roots out tyranny and crime, We'll cut him down before his prime! - The Dooooctor!