Dear Rarewoman Letter

Feb 25, 2014 20:21

Because apparently these things are a must in this day and age.

Likes: action/adventure, humor, hurt/comfort, competence, spying, 60's cold war spyjinks, AUs, crossovers, femslash, het, gen...

Dislikes: Sexualized violence against women. Rape. Incest.

I pretty much touched on all the things I wanted (some of them, I had more randomness to share. Others, not so much). But to reiterate:

1. The Bletchley Circle - Alice Merren, Lizzie, Lucy (The Bletchley Circle), Millie, Jean McBrien, Susan Gray - Ideally, I'll take any and all. Because this show is amazing and breaks my heart in the best ways. Alice Merren managed to hook me more than any of them since Millie. And basically, cold war era spy shenanigans would be AMAZING, but I'll settle for conversations over coffee or more code-breaking or stuff about their time at Bletchley. Or Lizzie discovering her mother's secret/stumbling into the old huts, etc. Basically. Anything.

(for some reason, Jean and Susan don't show up in the sign-up form)

(Also, more thoughts on Alice because idek I'm obsessed, and this is a letter or whatever. No, really, feel free to ignore this, I'm just getting out my feels here rather than writing a review. Alice Merren - TELL ME ABOUT HER AFFAIR, tell me about how she went from being a young girl who'd given up a baby to an amazing mechanic. Tell me about how typing is so beneath her, and yet she's quiet and unassuming and gets the job done. Tell me about her spying adventures after the war, with the cold war heating up and everyone still thinking "female, housewife" (or "female spy, seductress") tell me about that one time her driver was Sam Stewart um. Now I'm really being annoying, sorry)

2. Scott & Bailey - Scary Mary Jackson, Gill Murray, Janet Scott, Julie Dodson, Rachel Bailey - Any, basically, I want fic about all of them. Julie and Gill's adventures as young detectives? Yes, please. Scary Mary lecturing? Sure. (Janet/Gill = no. Sorry, mentor/mentee doesn't do much for me. Feel free to femslash it up, though. I'm all for that, otherwise)

3. Fearless Defenders - Hippolyta, Rin, Annabelle Riggs, Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Elsa Bloodstone, Misty Knight - I'm aware very few people liked or bought this book, but I can't help but love it. Anything touching on the fantastic mythology and epic nature of the storylines that they never got to elaborate on/continue would be great. Hippolyta's struggle to keep her people from invading and killing; Annabelle and Valkyrie dealing with sharing a body (and the complication of Annabelle's promise to the Gods). Misty and Elsa teaming up to take out some bad guys; Misty and Annabelle's friendship--archeology!; Rin learning more about herself and her powers. Basically any and everything. (filling in gaps between issues is awesome, too. There are more than a few moments where I felt Bunn jumped forward in an effort to get things finished before they cancelled him--I still loved it, but it was so frustrating. I felt like they didn't give him the time he really needed. sigh.) (yes, I'm still bitter. Also? Rin/Annabelle femslash, unf)

4. X-Men - Madelyne Pryor, Jean Grey, Meggan, Tabitha Smith (miz not appearing in this sign-up as Lorna Dane had to substitute since Tabitha appears to be under something else? idek), Lorna Dane, Alison Blair, Ororo Munroe, Rachel Summers, Elizabeth Braddock, Paige Guthrie, Rahne Sinclair - (I know it's not really something most people are up on, but anything from the mid-90's/Excalibur era for Rachel and Meggan--their amazing road trip could have gone on longer; or Gen X-era Paige Guthrie [I will love you forever if you give me AoA Paige Guthrie]; Meggan and Rahne from Ellis's Excalibur run are also faves. Tabitha doing anything with explosives or just introspection; Alison and concerts, Ororo and adventures with Yukio [ok, very oldskool, sorry]; I would LOVE Jean and Maddy fic from before Inferno [even an AU where they both survive, where they end up sharing each others' memories and coming to some sort of peace]; Jean and Ororo's friendship [they should go sentinel punching more often]; Betsy and her days as Captain Britain [er] or rather, kicking some ass somewhere... Or just a few of them, punching things or arguing over pancakes. Give me all the fic. =D

5. Doctor Who (Big Finish Audios) - Flip Jackson, Bev Tarrant, Lucie Miller, Tamsin Drew, Evelyn Smythe, Ace McShane, Bernice Summerfield, Erimem, Nyssa of Trakken - Any of these women doing anything in any combination. Basically, I'm easy when it comes to the women of Doctor Who (though, right now, my eternal and forever love is Flip Jackson). (saving the Doctor is always good for entertainment value. So is blowing things up or talking their way out of something or Nyssa doing science.) - ok, and also? Ace/Bernice would be amazing. Feel free to mix up eras, cross over whomever you want and generally go wild.

6. Person of Interest - Joss Carter, Zoe Morgan, Root, Sam Shaw, Alicia Corwin, Control - I almost didn't request this fandom. But I honestly couldn't think of a sixth fandom that was Making Me Want All the Everything. And yet. And yet, this show, and these women are just amazing and I love them. (to reiterate from my signup): Tell me about Alicia Corwin and how she went from cold and calculating to frightened and living in a dinky little town in the middle of nowhere. Tell me about Zoe and her vast network of contacts and favors owed. Tell me about Joss and the time when she screwed up. Tell me about Root and how God is now her personal lifestyle. Tell me about Sam Shaw and how shooting makes her feel better. Tell me about Control--did she start out as Alicia Corwin or Sam Shaw? What made her who she is today? (cold war era spyjinks a plus)

I cannot say this enough about ALL of these fandoms: CROSSOVERS are amazing and fine and everything I have ever wanted (wanna tell me about that time Rachel Bailey arrested Sam Shaw? I'M DOWN FOR IT. Wanna sneak in a Ros Myers Knows About The Machine moment? PLEASE DO. I mean, I know Spooks wasn't something I requested, but I still love it anyway.--Mostly,I'm just babbling because I'm cold and it's been a long day and I have the second Fearless Defenders trade waiting for me to put it on the shelf and I really should go get my laundry now)

lyssie requires an instruction manual

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