One of the things I honestly thought in the heat of the moment was that I'd rage-quit the show. That I'd stop watching and walk away.
And I'm not.
For a couple of reasons.
First and foremost? I AM STILL WATCHING HAVEN (ok, so I quit in white-hot rage for an entire year, but I still came back). They've killed off nearly EVERY SINGLE WOMAN aside from Audrey (and Duke's new love interest) who had more than two episodes of screen-time.
(in fact, Haven is almost worse than NCIS with its history of dead women)
Second? As much as she wasn't always the focus, Joss Carter was always the narrative lead in her own story and arc. Even in the first two seasons, she was never written as a flat, cardboard person and shoved in a corner. (this may be a ymmv thing, though. I know a looooot of people didn't think she had any depth until the sudden upsurge of Carter love in the last half-season). Even at the end of her story, it was still her story and not John or Finch's. (I'm aware that may also be a matter of opinion and that the producers are doing their best to talk about how it's totally about John's manpain. But what I saw on the screen was not that)
Third? I really like Shaw and Root. Like, they are my all-the-world, just as much as Joss was. I love Zoe Morgan. I like John. I like Finch. The Machine is adorable. I even like Fusco! This isn't like Nikita where I kept trying to like everyone and sometimes not doing so (and the plots, after the first few episodes, because of course women can't have any plot outside of women must have relationships and babies or they're tooo looooonely no no no fuck you, Nikita writers and CW. Fuck you--excuse me, I'm digressing over not-over-it-rage)--and then they killed off Jaden. I was done with Nikita, because it wasn't scratching my itches. PoI? Well, it might still do that.
Fourth? I still have a massive revenge-fantasy kink that no other show is currently scratching. Also, worst spies/tailing/undercover ever--there is no more Spooks. WHERE ELSE AM I GONNA GET MY FIX?
I'm sure there are other reasons.
I'm also sure that there will be manpain in my future. Dull, predictable, uninteresting manpain.
But there will also be Root's faaaaaaaaaace and Shaw's gun collection.
In non-POI news (ikr, finally), I listened to the BF Audio, "Fanfare for the Common Men" and kept waiting for the Skrull Beatles to make a cameo. (srsly, for shame, BF, for shame. There should have been at least a joke) (it was a mostly-entertaining audio, and Nyssa even did science! at one point)