more poi thought (spec for next week)

Nov 20, 2013 23:17

(three posts in two days, I sort of miss those days)

so. I know the show is never ever ever going to do this, but.

One of the things I've really been noticing (I marathonned seasons one and two over the last week) is how they're doing a lot of... mirroring, I guess? With who people are and their skills and what they do.

The obvious parallel: Reese and Shaw, of course.

But there's also been a bit of Root and Finch (ok, also obvious). And Carter and Fusco.

And Carter and Reese, especially this last half-season.

Someone, somewhere, said the core of the series was a computer genius, a badass and a cop.

It doesn't matter if the badass and cop can be one and the same, though. Because there's still duplication. So you get rid of one (Carter, and Carter's connection with Finch and to Reese).

And then you set up the other connection: Shaw and Fusco (Fusco and Reese have long since abandoned their little connection, tbh). Shaw saves his kid, Fusco drives her around--some of that is a bit similar to early Carter-Reese interaction.

That just leaves our computer genius.

who is gay for the Machine


So, I'm forgetting my odd thought and prediction, which is: John Reese is a man with very little time left. His story has gone 360-degrees and he is back where he started (via flashbacks to New Rochelle, duh). There is nothing left to tell with him.

I know. They'll never actually kill a white male lead. But ngl. If they off Reese next week, I will be... pleased. Because it makes narrative sense. And it's tragic. And entertaining.

sff:person of interest

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