nique is looking for an answer to a
coding question to fix something annoying her on her new layout. (she has a very nice banner...)
2. I have done far more dishwashing crap today than I ever want to again.
3. 31 stories left to upload to ff'net. The bulk of which is Kara/Anders. I'm kinda hoping for some wanky outrage, a la -
4. - the Sam/Jack list, which is up in arms at the upsurge of Sam/Daniel fics (don't you know they're like brother and sister, people? Really!) Never fear, Sam/Jack shippers! Your ship is still valid! You just have to keep writing the same thing over and over and over again! Honest. (this is where I get out my "Bitch, please" card, and point out that S/J has a lock on the het side of SG-1 fic-writing, and has for a frelling decade.)
5. Speaking of wank,
Chris Williams happily answered the questions put to him by Henry Jenkins. But I'm not sure he actually answered them in ways that were comprehensible OR intelligent. (Oh, FanLib, you make my heart grow fonder. No, really, you provide such entertainment... Also, wow, when fandom gets pissed, fandom is a bit scary).
6. I need to do a FanLib ad with girls on it, since it seems to be mostly all about teh boyslash. (Yes, I feel under-represented. Where are my girls with guns?)
7. Oh, oh, oh. Am reminded. As much as people hate ff'net (fanfiction.net, or The Pit of Voles), I'd like to note that they have instituted image verification when you log-in now. So that the fanlib bots can't get in. I kind of really am in love with the guys/gals at ff'net right now. (I'm sure that isn't how they phrased it when they went to implement it, but that has to be WHY they did it. Especially since FanLib members were giving FanLib their ff'net password AND username...).
eta. 8. *looks suspiciously at
familyarchives* You have minions. Obviously. That's the only reason I've gotten two requests for more Billy on New Caprica fic. *shakes wee fist* I need a plot!