And if it doesn't work out, there'll never be any doubt that the pleasure was worth all the pain

Jul 18, 2010 20:04

I was just talking to my mom about song lyrics, and how I (and apparently her mom as well) connect them to people or situations so often. For example, the title- it's from "The Weather is Here, I Wish You Were Beautiful" by Jimmy Buffett. I've liked the song for a long time, but this lyric has rattled around in my head for months now in regards to my relationship with Jim. Not in that I expected it to end (because I didn't), but that it was a pretty true statement. It was a fantastic first relationship, and I don't regret anything about it. Toward the end there were some tears of frustration, but I mostly attribute those to Ortho Tri-cyclen not agreeing with my system.

The song that pulled me out of the last few days of depression, however, is Life's a Dance by John Michael Montgomery. I know, my musical tastes are all over. But the song's meant a lot to me, especially the past few years of job hunting, relationship, life changes, etc. Particularly this bit:

Been knocked down by the slamming door
Picked myself up and came back for more

Life's a dance you learn as you go
Sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow
Don't worry about what you don't know
Life's a dance you learn as you go

I got a lot out of the relationship. I know how one works, first of all. My enjoyment of fishing was rekindled after about ten years of dormancy. I picked up a lot of really good music (Blind Guardian and Tyr most of all). I learned a lot about myself, and what I want out of the next one.

I think I'm just about past the hard part, too. Yeah, it royally blows that I've lost someone I loved. It blows that I lost a group of friends who were fun, kind of stupid, and totally different from my other friends. But I survived. I'm still not unblocking Facebook (for one, it's nice to not feel like I have to check it all the time, and for two I don't think I'm quite healed enough to go back if I wanted to), but I'm doing well. I'm not hiding under a blanket, I'm going out with friends, and I'm not "what if"ing all the time. It feels good.

Oh, and I'm crocheting like crazy the past few days. More of that once I get the photos taken.

ashe, jim, self-improvement, shelly

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