School, Grades, Church, Health and Other Stuff

Dec 20, 2009 20:26

It seems I say this every time I write, but an update is long overdue.

School has kept me extremely busy, so I have not had much time to think outside of classes. I did come out of this semester with four A's, so I am glad about that. My overall GPA is now 3.92, so if it keeps going up, I have even more chances of getting scholarships and grants in the rehabilitation and special education department. I have applied and should know something in the middle of January if I remember correctly. I pray I get something. I mean, the cost of an out-of-state university is ridiculous, but I love it there so do not want to change schools. Plus, as I am sure I have mentioned before, my other option is in an unsafe area of Georgia, which is sad since I would have a full scholarship there.

To look on the bright side though, I have met some really great people in Auburn. I have some friends who just got engaged. I figured it would happen sooner or later, but I did not expect it to happen this quickly. Her fiancée loves to pick on me. I tell everyone he and I have a brother/sister relationship. Seriously, the guy reminds me of my sister, who at times, likes to play roughly just to annoy me. It's all good though. I just pick right back at him. The other day, he was making growling monster sounds in my ear, so I reached up and grabbed his beard. I got a little chin skin in with it as well, so that made things even more interesting. Ha.

I had a party before finals started, and it turned out to be okay. We had fun talking, but we did not play cards like I thought we would since many of the people who came wanted to go to a bonfire. I went with them after we ate what we could and stayed there for a couple of hours. I had to immediately go back to the apartment and wash my hair twice to get rid of the smell of smoke afterwards though. I had not expected that since I had gone to a fire before, but this time, I did end up sitting much closer to the fire since it was cold.

I am still loving my little church there. I sing virtually every Sunday I am there which is nice since that is one thing I really enjoy doing.

Aside from school and church, some health issues have cropped up this semester. I am experiencing some hearing issues which make it very difficult for me to localize sounds in noisy environments. At times, I have trouble making out what people are saying. My nephrologist thinks he saw something coating my eardrum, so he is treating that. At the moment, nothing is happening with the treatment which means I may need to still go to see another ENT. I have also been switched from brand name to generic medications, and from what I am learning, the generic of at least one is not as good. My kidney function has decreased since August, and while the numbers aren't extremely different, I am coming to the conclusion that this generic medication has something to do with the numbers rising steadily. Plus, other symptoms have cropped up which are reminiscent of kidney failure. All I want to do is sleep. I have little to no appetite, and when I do eat, I have to have unhealthy and salty things. I ended up getting so sick once I got to church this morning that we did not even stay for the entire service. My uncle thought something totally different was wrong since I do not typically cry during church, so it was interesting trying to convince him otherwise.

Tomorrow, yet another call will be made to my nephrologist's office. I have trouble getting them to call me back, so I'm sicking my mom on them. I want my generics changed back to brand names, and his nurse needs to fight the insurance company to get this to happen. I need it at this point since my anti-nausea med is not working, and yes, it too is generic.

I will also be going to check on some ovarian cysts on Tuesday. I had an ultrasound which indicated the cysts were the same, but my fallopian tube is dilated. This has never happened, so now I think my doctor is more concerned and does not think this cyst is scar tissue. I have looked dilation up, and everything I read sounds horrible. At best, a cyst is causing it. In the middle, the cyst has abscessed which could explain my pain and nausea as well (which is why I don't know if this is kidney-related or not), and at worse, it could be cancerous. Cancer of this kind is rare and difficult to detect because it resembles other problems, so I am really praying that it's one of the first things. I am also hoping he can surgically remove the cysts since the symptoms they cause have worsened since I last saw him.

Oh yeah! I almost forgot. I got my Christmas present early from Mom. Hers was actually money, but it was a big enough chunk to help pay for an iPod Touch I've wanted! This thing is really fun to play with, though I have not toally figured out all the inn and outs of it. It is so much smaller than my other one which is now my mom's and seems to have better sound quality as well.
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