Aug 31, 2008 19:06
So back in 2002 I was helping out at a game called X-Men: 1884. It was X-Men in Victorian times with a heavy influence of Steampunk and it was way fun. Unfortunately, I've moved computers several times since then and can't for the life of me find my stuff from there. It's not that I want to find my applications or logs (though impoverished Irish factory worker Theresa Cassidy will always have a special place in my heart), it's more that I want to find all those wonderful, wonderful news files. I remember very extensive writeups about history and technology and culture and slang and since Paul and I are working on a Steampunk influenced Marvel/DC type game, I thought those would be neat to have.
Unfortunately, unless someone happens to have an old copy of the DB around, I'm going to need to rewrite them from scratch. So!
Anyone know of any good links/resources for Victorian culture and things like that? I haven't hit google hardcore yet, I think because I'm holding on to hope that I'll find the DVD with all my backups.
Completely aside: I'm full of money right now, which is nice. I got that big check that everyone else in the country got, plus I got my actual tax refund. Additionally, I received an envelope from the IRS which, while initially frightening, was actually letting me know that I never actually cashed my rebate check from 2006 (which I lost and then forgot that I'd already deposited) and they would be sending me another. Three Hundred and Sixty Bonus Dollars, baby! I'm saving it towards my PS3, which I have determined I will get myself for Christmas. Also, I will be installing said PS3 in my room upstairs, which means I will need to clean, like, half the house. Which is why I think that starting now and giving myself until December will actually not be enough time.