Sep 22, 2012 10:35
Let me tell you how my morning has gone so far.
Thanks to a muscle relaxer because I have been clenching my teeth like whoa, I slept a much needed 11 hours and got up at 9:15. So I shower and figure I'll get my laundry and a few much needed things done, like clean the kitchen floor and toss some potatoes in the oven so that J. can make us potatoes for breakfast. I'm feeling good and ready to go!
I take the laundry downstairs and it still has wet stuff in the dryer from the day before. Which now needs to be rewashed. Ok. Ok, no prob. I grab the bucket and glance inside.
It's filthy. I have to clean out the bucket--which of course won't just rinse out with hot water--before I even start the floor. Don't ask. I have no idea what it was. I lent it out for house cleaning. But I get this.
I set the wash to go and head upstairs to preheat the oven.
I press the button and nothing happens.
I press it again.
I try some other buttons--they work. It can broil, though. The timer works.
I try the button again. And again and again.
I try the Rapid Preheat button. That doesn't work either.
Great. That's just...great.
Truthfully, the kitchen floor and stove stop are not so great and I want things clean before I call repair guys to do the plumbing work in the kitchen today and other things. At least I know I can do that. Mind you, I am mildly irked that I have to do the dishes first to clear the sink cause, but the guys got sick Thursday, no one got to them Friday, so ok. I can still do this.
Maybe I should've taken the hint and quit already.
Halfway through mopping the kitchen floor, I am kneeling to wring out the mop. My head's all off on a story idea and I am not the most aware person at the moment as the end of the mop handle comes into contact with something on the countertop. I feel the shift and freeze as I hear it fall and then shatter. Fortunately, I am not hit by glass or anything. Because I am barefoot, and half the kitchen floor (the half to the sink, incidentally) is wet.
Unfortunately, what has shattered is the bottle of habanero olive oil.
I'll just pause again while you read that and take it in.
But I am using Lestoil! That's a grease cutter! You can clean engine parts with it, no shit! I should be fine, once I get the glass up.
And now there is habanero olive oil on the dust pan and dust brush, which I toss in the sink, and the mop might be spreading things around and I have rinsed and changed the bucket water twice and...
This...this really kinda isn't fair. For reals.
Fuck it.
I quit.
House goblins! WTF!? I am going to seriously BOG YOU ALL! Go out side and play, fercrissake.