Mar 13, 2007 12:02
That is how much sleep I am running on for the last 6 days, compared to what I should be getting. Another way of figuring it is that, on average, I have had only 3.5 hours of sleep every night, for the last 6 nights in a row - and that's very generously including a 3-hour long nap that I had yesterday. Without it, I'd be running on exactly 3 hours a night, and 37.5% of my necessary sleep.
This grows tiring. I can't do homework or think. I have a lot of homework and thinking to do today: 2 homework assignments to type up by 2:30, Arabic flashcards to make & study by 2:30, and 5 1/2 hours of solid class to sit through without falling asleep - and indeed, not even passively taking notes, but participating and thinking.
I can't do this. Worse, though, I don't really have time to catch up until Friday, because ye good olde blood drive is tomorrow and Thursday, thereby eating up every free moment that I have during the day, and then homework and responsibilities will eat up my evenings.
P.S. I guess a plus is that I've managed to wake up enough (after nodding off on my textbook at the blood drive table for 2 hours) that I can figure percentages and averages for the amount of sleep deprivation I am experiencing.
As for Eric? The lucky guy only has one morning class, and no blood drive table, so he opted to sleep in, getting a whopping 5 more hours of sleep than I did last night, at present (he's still sleeping, thereby increasing his odds). >.<#