Fall/Personal FactsName:Location:Occupation:Fall and/or Thanksgiving Tradition:Favorite and Least Favorite Thanksgiving Food:Favorite Fall Drink: I'm Thankful for These...Movies:Hobbies: TV Shows:Books:Fandoms:Bands: Video-Games LJ LifeWhat do you usually write about?:How often do you update?:What do you look for in an LJ friend?:How often do you comment? Or expect comments?:Turns offs/Deal-Breakers for an LJ friend:
Obligatory Gif: http://https://lyssa027.livejournal.com/385915.html" target="_blank">
https://i.imgur.com/6pklWAW.png" title="source: imgur.com" />"
[to link back to the friendzy, use this, thanks :) ]