Sep 04, 2012 05:01
Okay, so things are looking up, but it is kind of a seesaw. Life is like that. The minute you think things are getting better something else comes to your attention. I think that's a lot less Murphy and a lot more that you suddenly have more attention to pay to something new.
We managed to get a little bit caught up because Chad was able to work through one of his vacation weeks. I had to make a very, very large grocery shop two weeks ago that was really hard on us, and we had to pay a rather large bill with a credit card, but we are okay. I even got the new cellphone I so desperately needed.
I still need glasses and a body shaper for an upcoming wedding. It's Renaissance themed. Everyone in the wedding works or has worked at the Ren Fair here including me. The thing is, I do not own any garb. I borrowed it all or jury rigged an outfit that would last me one season. Plus, I am a big girl. I'm fat (Gen used to me saying that, it's my word.). Corsets and bodices are not so easy for me to find or afford. The cheapest I have found in my size is over $200, and I very sincerely do not have that kind of coin to toss around on something I *might* wear once a year. SO inevitably I am the only bridesmaid with no bodice or corset. This makes me feel incredibly insecure about my appearance on the big day. I have a black skirt, and a black top (bought from Ren Fest, JUST the shirt? $55.). Today I went to Joann Fabric to get something I could make a hip scarf from so that I have a pop of color. It is gold, but the fabric is shimmery and color changing from black to gold, copper, orange, red and yellow. I love it.
Things in my house and in my life are changing rather quickly. I gained a temporary roommate because I had a hard time knowing where she was sleeping. I'm not sure how long it will last but I'm okay with it right now. It's hard for me to imagine that amount of desperation. I don't have a lot to offer, and I don't even have enough space for the people that already live here (not to mention the furry beasties) but I think I could use the karma! If I was in that position I would like to think that regardless of my choices someone would be willing to give me a reprieve (or two or three etc). So, I'm gathering karma.
In any case I have watched a ton of movies and I need to review them here I just haven't had the time. After Otakon life has been pretty much non-stop. So sorry for the lag.