Dec 14, 2005 20:02
1. I have to wish on the clock when all the numbers are the same. I always make one wish, but the one that counts is the next thing that pops in my head that very second. And if I look back at the clock and it hasn't changed, I have to look at it again before it changes, or else my wish won't come true.
2. I play "fate games" daily. I work with personal checks a lot, so I say to myself, "The last check in the batch will determine my future, wedding day, etc etc" and if the name or picture reflects something close to real life, I gasp.. even though I do this on a daily basis. (Oddly enough though, the other day a check had the exact name of someone I knew.)
3. I can't sleep unless I have a full glass of water on my nightstand.
4. Every day before I leave for work, or leave work to go home, I check the mileage to determine exactly what it will read when I get to my destination.
5. I sing when I'm nervous. Usually it's just in the car when I'm lost or going somewhere I don't want to go, but I've found I do it the presence of other people as well.