(no subject)

Dec 08, 2005 21:58

Oh Chicago, you really suck sometimes. It took me an hour an a half to drive eight miles tonight. And it's still snowing. Any other state would get a snow day, I tell you.

And apparently a plane skidded off a runway at Midway earlier... into a BUSY street. I can't even imagine. I mean, coming face to face with an airplane, while in your car? My total nightmare.. seriously. I have nightmares about all airplane-related things. As far as I know, nobody was hurt though, thank goodness.

I took my Physical Geography final tonight. It sucked horribly. I really don't think I passed. I always think this after a final, but I really don't think I even pulled a "C". The essays were horrible. I don't know why Lake Michigan is Lake Michigan and to tell you the truth, I didn't know Chicago once was part of an ice age, nor did I know why. I hated that damn class. I'm just glad to be done.

While I'm at it, I get to work Saturday, yay! Does anyone else in my department have to work Saturday? Nope! Can you tell I'm excited??

Alright, enough of this. I need some good sleep, and then a good Friday, to start off my half-assed weekend. Despite all this, I'm in okay spirits.. because, to quote Tori, "I'm okay when everything's not okay."

Night, all.
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