Well, hardware crashes and multiple 50+ hour work weeks for no dough might have something to do with it. That and the stupid creeping feeling that if you're away too long, you have to catch up instead of just move along. But mostly multiple hardware crashes and no money for a new computer. Grr. Hardware
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The plotty part of my brain is trying to come up with something that could evolve into my Lebowski Fest. Still not sure what, but it needs to be something I'm passionate about and which other people will eagerly anticipate.
I'd quite seriously love to hear more from you about running an events company.
Sorry about my early cynicism regarding cons. Everyone one I've worked for has lost money and I just don't have that luxury. I shall think more on other one-shot yearly gathering of nerds, though. This city currently has zero cons and zero "real" fan groups, so there should be an opening there. Theoretically.
Other than posters, the intertubes, and word of mouth, how did you promote events?
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