How the hell did a month pass without me posting?

Feb 26, 2009 15:04

Well, hardware crashes and multiple 50+ hour work weeks for no dough might have something to do with it. That and the stupid creeping feeling that if you're away too long, you have to catch up instead of just move along. But mostly multiple hardware crashes and no money for a new computer. Grr. Hardware.

I've been a crazy networking fool lately. I've dropped over 100 business cards in the last month as I hit 5-7 of these events a week. I have one tonight starting at 5:30 and two tomorrow, plus more more more. Luckily, I'm an outgoing lass. So far, no real business has come of it, but I feel like I'm on the brink of profitability. The way I see it, it never hurts to shake a lot of hands in case one of them belongs to someone in HR who just so happens to need the glory that is me.

Since that kind of footwork is necessary for the long term but doesn't pay the bills in the short term, my business partner and I concocted a nefarious scheme.

We're throwing a Watchmen Movie Party. For profit.

I am more than a little shocked how well this is going. It ain't much, but 9 days out from the movie we've already crossed that thin line between please-god-make-it-stop and marginally-profitable. Okay, not if you count the number of hours I put into it, but hell. It's the first one and we're kicking ass getting it off the ground.

The sponsors have been freaking fantastic. Have I mentioned "shocked" yet? So far, a local comic shop has been the benefactor of our dreams and we have a boatload of prizes from other sponsors. Good prizes. Like, a $100 gift certificate kind of prizes.

It's hard not to gush uncontrollably about the coolness of this party. Multiple costume contests, a signature cocktail, best potbelly competition, prize for the most creative way to remove a garter, make your own Rorsarch masks, and raffle prizes for random goodness - plus a ticket to the movie.

I wish there was some way to make this kind of thing profitable enough to call it an actual income, because hell, I'm GOOD at it. I enjoy it. I'm itching to do more - which is a good thing because I already have sponsors coming to me about Wolverine and Star Trek.

That's pretty much taken up all my free brain power lately. Other than that, I've networked, tried to get social media contracts, networked, applied for day jobs, and networked.
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