I feel like some sort of hunter-gatherer. Minus the hunter part (but it doesn't make as much sense to say just gatherer). I wandered into the kitchen looking for food, and what I came up with were a handful of dried fruit, a couple almonds, a few grapes and strawberries, and a bit of salad. I guess the dried pineapple wasn't something a normal
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It seems to have gotten cold everywhere again! Even here, where the weather has been so contrary to what all our friends around the country would talk about. Oreo's been meowing about stuff like crazy, too. He keeps wanting treats. He sounds very tortured, as well. Punk.
And we totally bookmarked that link! We're gonna use it next time we have to translate someone with a northern dialect!
Also, I think pineapples will randomly fall off trees when they're ripe enough, although I don't know if that'd break the rind enough for them to dry. Husband thinks they grow low to the ground. Don't mind me. Okay, his exact wording is: "More to the point, the primitive hunter-gatherer would split open his/her own damn pineapple and lay it on a hot lava rock in the sun to dry".
The pineapple tree (shrub?) pictures I saw online looked pretty low to the ground. Haha, it would make more sense to break open and dry their own pineapple (or just eat it un-dried, more likely (unless they were getting ready to store up food for winter? (wait, this is a tropical island, not michigan! my brain is definitely not functioning at a proper level right now))). However, I've always thought I'd be one of the first to go in a "survival of the fittest"-type society, so I probably would be the one looking for a pineapple knocked down by free-ranging goats :D
They do have "winter" there, but it's a strange definition by our standards. We found it out the hard way when we went to a beach that really wasn't meant to be used by people who didn't know what they were doing (which we don't), and someone explained to us that it was easier to get in the water in summer because in winter the beaches lose about 15 feet of sand. I think it might also be slightly cooler in winter than summer, but not by much.
(That said, there's snow on top of the mountains, at least sometimes.)
(snow on the mountains totally doesn't count, unless people live there... (err, do they? I wouldn't think so, surrounded as they are by beautiful tropical beaches and the like, but...))
Bringing down snow for a snowball fight on the beach is awesome! And those are lovely pictures your friend posted. The rock formations in the last one are really neat looking! I'd love to see your photos if/when you get around to putting them up :D
We keep meaning to post photos, but...we'll see. ^^; If we do, they'll be under this account, not umadoshi.
And no problem if you don't get around to it ^^
I think the manga I was writing about earlier when I mentioned accents was The Magic Touch, and I keep going back to that one because of these three lines some gag-characters said, because it's possibly the only time I really loved the use of an accent in a manga. But it's only three lines, and they're imaginary gag characters, and the accent is supposed to be completely ridiculous, so I don't know if ( ... )
It's weird, though, because usually I don't have a problem reading accents, but I can't bring myself to type them very easily. We didn't translate any volume with Rin, though, so that accent is completely not our fault. But we like to at least have a slight indication of accent, because it's so much more fun when you can tell who's talking based solely on the speech bubble and not necessarily who it's pointing at. Incidentally, in Final Fantasy IX, there's a whole village of dwarves that use like a Scottish accent or something. It was really hard to read out loud, but it seemed to work really well.
From what we understand (based on like a million cartoons), goats will eat just about anything, so they probably would!
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