This will be rambly.
-Fall is for-real here, and winter is for-real on its way.
The leaves are falling, the sparrows are crowding around our bird-feeders, the houseplants have come inside and started their "I don't like this temperature-change, so I'm going to pout and turn my leaves yellow!" shenanigans (though interestingly, I found my first bud of the summer on one of my hibiscus plants today), and I've started dressing in multiple layers that include long sleeves (rather than multiple layers of sleeveless/short-sleeved shirts).
Also, my fingers and toes are cold, and mum and I leave the oven door open after taking things out of it, in order to savour every last bit of warmth (however, we are cheap and Dutch so we haven't yet turned on the heater. I mean, it's only October!)
Plus, we had pumpkin pie and apple crisp recently, and there's apple cider in the fridge. And also, I abandoned my morals and drank a mug of coffee tonight (but only after dumping about 7 spoonfuls of sugar in it. the coffee-flavoured sugar-sludge at the end was pretty good)
-I killed one of my houseplants! It was a bromeliad and one of my first two houseplants (along with the beloved Croton which is still growing quite heartily) and I think there was a combination of not-enough-light and not-enough-water-consistently (made worse by the fact that the plant leaned, so that most of the water I gave it just spilled right out (bromeliads form "vases" with their leaves to hold the water, rather than just absorbing it with their roots from the soil). Fortunately, I never was terribly attached to it (that's awful, lys!) And I still have 15 or 16 other houseplants to keep me company (including one other bromeliad which is cuter and growing more manageably) Maybe I'll put something less light-sensitive on the top tier of my desk now.
-Where is my productivity?? I was all excited about working like crazy and beating those deadlines with a triumphant smirk, but the last few days I have been way too slacker-y. Arg. And even though I could put part of the blame on those I'm working for not replying to my emails and therefore not really caring as much as they should about my progress, I thought I could do better! So I guess I'll just blame it on being too cold (which seriously is a hindrance for me, because when I'm cold all I want to do is complain about it or snuggle under my blankets and read manga. which I've been doing a lot of lately...)
Related to lack of productivity, today I got hooked on browsing the tvtropes site which one of my brothers was telling me about a few weeks ago, and which therefore is probably quite the un-cool reference by now. But it's a lot of fun anyway. And mad addictive for some reason.
-Okay, here's a fun thing I painted recently for my grandpa, who is heading back to the Caribbean and eternal summer after his 3 month visit to our Northern Latitudes. He gave me a picture of his boat and said "Do whatever your artistic temperament deems best." So I did. :D
-Last night (or rather this morning probably between 8-10am) I had a dream about a bee and a fly who were my pets, and who I had as strong of feelings for as any cat or dog or etc, and whose thoughts I could understand?, and then they died. Actually, the bee just kind of fell apart and I kept finding little bits of bee around. It was quite sad. I think the fly just disappeared. Anyway, it left me feeling melancholy and wishing I didn't get so easily attached to tiny creatures with short lifespans. Hrm... (I very rarely have nightmares, just these kinds of weird stories that make me sad within the dream and question my brain after I wake up)
I should end this entry before it gets any weirder.