again, i don't know. THIS IS WHY it's so hard to find old entries. I never know how to label or title!

Aug 19, 2005 01:12

TenNai's Takigawa-man is the tutor of Class Rep girl from the special chapter of Gokinjo Monogatari!! I love how Yazawa does these things! *glee*

Now that that [bit of random fact you all have any clue about] is over with, I don't really have much to say. I've been reading lots of manga lately, but that is quite normal. I drew today, for something my great grandma wants me to do and also did some drawing at my dad's work with a girl there. Slowly I will get back into this art stuff again. I've been lazy and careless for tooooo long. I still have to do a couple paintings for my mother [ugh].... and pack so I can move in soon [ugh ugh].... eeeeep. Crazy how this distant stuff becomes suddenly so near.

Ahhh... also, we recently attended a Japanese tea ceremony in Saginaw MI. It was fun. And I got to eat that sweet bean-stuff :D :D :D I <3 Japan! Yum. We took some pics n stuff there, and we went to the art museum there and they let us in free even though it costs 5$ normally per person, but since we were from out of town they wished to kindly accomodate us. And also a brochure my mum picked up CLEARLY CLEARLY SAID admission was free, which the museum guy told us was only the case on like... Wednesdays. But it worked out anyway! There were some cool gardens n stuff there <3 And red beetles <3<3 Swarms of them, for no apparent reason!

We stopped at a burger place called Halo Burger and its logo was some freaky cheese-eyed cow with a halo. I saved my cup from my drink so I can show it off :D Traveling is such fun. And yes I know I'm lame because I only traveled a couple hours away to some small city in the same state but what~ever ^^

I got a filling on my backest bottom tooth onnnn Tuesday. The other side's backest bottom tooth gets filled next Tuesday! I was a bad girl and did not keep my tooths as clean as one ought to. So I get to pay for it by having half of my jaw numb for a few hours. But the filling process only takes like half an hour. It's amazing what they can do in that little time!

Corn keeps growing fungus. Methinks I'll take pictures of it tomorrow. Ewwwww. And I don't know how to pick it off properly either!! So squishy n gross...

As for work, I've been at north[/back/slow] checkout a lot lately. Ugh. I should go to sleep soon.....

You guyyyyysssss~~~ I love SPITZ. They have like the best music ever in ALL THE WORLD [besides thebrilliantgreen of course <3<3] but seriously. j'adore. Man... I need to relearn French. *cry*

bugs, work, plants, teeth, japan, having a life, phobias, observations, yazawa ai, music, spitz, art, manga, food

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