Scraped up hands are highly inconvenient. I took off the bandages so the skin could dry/scab over, but it's taking foreeeever and in the meantime I can't really touch anything with the palms of my hands. I can't draw without getting ooze on my paper or pencil, I can't work efficiently with my computer mouse... grr. I had to give up any hope of getting work done today; hopefully by tomorrow I can be useful again! So that's my excuse for why last night's drawing looks a little funky. I didn't have the patience to get it to cooperate.
Sometimes I do a pose that's interesting but makes it difficult to see what I was actually wearing. Like Thursday, when I had this cool necklace on but you can't see because it's behind an arm. In times like these, I tell myself it's the drawing practice that counts.
Hammocks are nice. Ours is a little dysfunctional, but it's still nice (the place I work gave them away to employees for free because they didn't work well enough to sell).
I should point out that I changed out of the short-shorts and socks-that-might-as-well-have-been-tights before the fateful bike ride. It's a good thing, because otherwise it might've been my first and last time wearing the socks. As it was, I realized last night that the top shirt I had layered got torn up in quite a few spots. That's the disadvantage to those shirts they're making recently out of the material that's partly-dissolved or whatever (it's like, semi-sheer? it looks like something ate it away, y'know?)
The end. Typing is too haaaard!