Here is Daily Fashion for yesterday and the day before. So far I've been drawing these every day-no trying to catch up a day or two later. Yaaaay me! Hope I keep it up!
If you can read the writing, you'll see both my shirt for both days is a variation on lacy/white. I really do have a lot of lacy-white-shirts. It's like every time I see one in a store, I have to have it... but they're all a little different, so it's okay? Yesterday's "fake lacy" shirt is just some material with holes punched in it, and a design printed around the holes to make them look sorta like eyelet lace.
Other stuff: currently 52/123(?) drawings inked for Joey Down Under. 71 to go. I did a drawing of the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island that I think is rather good. Also I have an upcoming lettering deadline that I now have all the materials for, and in a couple weeks I'll be leading an art class thing at my church's summer arts-and-rec camp. Exciting but a little overwhelming. Also also, a potential new illustration project with someone who contacted me this week... but nothing certain yet. Hmm.
Did you know, if you paint your nails with a layer of black and then a layer of sparkly turquoise, it looks much like the back of a beetle? I think it's rather charming. Too bad my nail polish always chips right away...
WHOA. It just totally thundered really loud, and yet it's completely sunny and hot outside. Bizarre. Great job, Michigan, always keeping us guessing...
I should be inking now. Back to work.
(yessss I totally have a nail polish tag to use!)