[drabble] Phantom of the Opera - Cygnus cygnus, Complicit

Jan 19, 2007 17:23

Before I fangirled for Gundam Wing, before I fangirled for Sailormoon, even, I fangirled for Phantom of the Opera. You might even say that it was my fandom before I knew what fandom was called. I've come a ways since then, but I still have a shamefully soft space in my heart for it.

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

Anyway, I was having a rummage through some old notebooks and found these. Once upon a time, they may have been intended for longer pieces, but those never came to pass. So! Have a pair of drabbles, one for Meg Giry and one for Mme. Giry.

Title: Cygnus cygnus
Character: Meg
Summary: Meg knows Christine will not stay.
Notes: Pick a canon, any canon, movie-verse, book-verse, musical-verse, all will do!

"Meg thinks of Christine...">

Title: Complicit
Characters: Mme. Giry, the Phantom
Summary: A brief character meditation.
Notes: Movie-verse canon, I suppose.

"She has seen a man killed before her very eyes..."

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fandom: phantom of the opera, 0-500 words (drabble), c: meg giry, c: mme. giry

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