Title: The Otohime's Revenge [10/10]
Characters: Yuuta, Saeki, and many others.
Summary: When Fuji Yuuta rescues a shipwrecked Saeki, it touches off a series of events that neither of them could have anticipated.
Genre and Rating: Drama; this section is PG.
Notes: This is the crack bunny that grew fangs, eventually evolved into a crack dragon, and took over my life. I have taken substantial liberties with the period and setting; please don't trip over the anachronisms. Horatio Hornblower or similar tallship fandom this is not. This fic is AU, contains some violence, a few deaths, some angst, occasional smut, a fair amount of sap, and (with any luck) a whole lot of fun. Many thanks to
mercuria for spawning the original idea, and to
_branch_ for cheering me on, and a lovely beta job.
Some months later.
Saeki left off admiring the sleek lines of the navy ship moored in the harbor (the Naismith by name, if he squinted) to get down to the business of finding a ship in need of an extra pair of deckhands.
the entire fic on Dreamwidth or
Part 10 on A03. This fic can now be read on Dreamwidth.org; comments are welcome at either LJ or Dreamwidth; if you do not have a Dreamwidth account, you may comment there
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