Now seeking rent angels and robotics people (no, really)

Jun 09, 2011 17:48

Yes, I do still need the donations. That's one.

Conversation with an online friend last night has me and perhaps blackfyr looking at joining a startup at the beginning. So close to the beginning, in fact, that the company name needs help. It's a pharmaceutical firm looking into robotic analysis of drugs at the pre-clinical level that can be done in hours with cell cultures instead of a month with animals. Not my usual, no, but what he's talking about has me intrigued (and yes, we need people with robotics backgrounds!).

Thing is, of course, I can't get paid until it's past the talking stage. While he knows I'm in need, there's a sane balance that needs to be kept here. Just throwing me the money could run a risk he doesn't want to take and I am not going to ask him to. We meet a week from Friday for further discussions.

He's trying to get his end figured out to perhaps pay for something sooner than later. In the meantime, I still have a landlord and other entities to settle debts with. Button's below once again.

rent, job opening, update

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