Hivemind request: Gothy music?

Jan 08, 2010 10:00

So I managed to cajole my way into DJing a goth-themed dance in Second Life next Friday. This is the weekend I will devote to building the playlist for it. I have about two hours to cover and I have a rep for keeping to theme to maintain. The kicker? I really don't know the genre that well, or if I know the bands, I don't always know they're goth. I just know this will be one of the more entertaining sets I've done, and I like stretching my musical wings.

The caveat I will give is the music can't go into heavy crunchy/metal territory. I know there's goth metal out there, such as HIM, and unless it at least has a lead singer akin to the one for Evanescence, it's gonna burn out the regulars' eardrums and mine. I'm wanting to skew this to 80s/90s, so I'm in the range where I'm sure of acts like The Cure, The Smiths, and their cohort. I also know Dead Can Dance fits. I know there must be more.

So noting I am aiming for melodic goth instead of screaming goth, what can you recommend, O LiveJournal Hivemind?


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