The television Christmas hiatus drives me absolutely bonkers every year and this holiday season seems to be no different. Since Criminal Minds won't be returning until next week, and since I've extensively discussed the fabulousness of one Emily Prentiss with
kayryn during this cursed hiatus (seriously, you wouldn't believe how detailed an analysis can be made of "Demonology"), the following list just sort of happened.
Emily has been my favourite ever since she joined the show (and replaced Elle, thank the heavens), because this woman KICKS SOME SERIOUS BUTT, you guys. Needless to say, limiting the scope to only 20 of her best moments was insane, and I nearly gave up during the process. Oh, cry moar! My life is so tough and complicated, I know.
Anyway, on to the good stuff!
Top20 Emily Prentiss Moments. Thus Far.
20. You Can Interview Me Anytime You Like, Emily. //
Watch. Episode: Bloodline (4x13)
It's really impressive how well Emily gets along with the victims, especially children, and how well she's able to relate to them, since she's an only child herself. In "Bloodline", the way she guides the little girl through the cognitive interview is just fabulous. The entire process can be quite daunting (as she herself discovered in "Retaliation"), and, with a child, the smallest mistake could ruin the whole thing, which is why I truly admire Emily's work in this scene. Yeah, I don't know what the heck I'm on about either. Anyway. Cool scene. Full stop.
19. Run, Emily, Run! //
Watch. Episode: Lo-Fi (3x20)
I have a weird fascination with various ordinary things Emily does and running happens to be one of them. This particular moment in "Lo-Fi" has been the most delicious one so far, especially since the way she suddenly transforms into full agent mode upon spotting the unsub is just fabulous. They really ought to make Emily run more - even if it must be agony to do in those insane heels (what the heck, wardrobe department, what. the. heck?).
18. We All Have Our Secret Pasts. Some Just Had It Worse Than Others. //
Watch. Episode: Tabula Rasa (3x19)
We know that Emily's past was probably a very rebellious one - the fact that she'd clearly rather forget it (and, actually, partly has) tells a lot. But Garcia letting us in on Emily's secret past as a goth is hysterical; poor Emily, being certain that the tech goddess must've altered the picture somehow. Moreover, the entire thing is even funnier when you've seen the
behind the scenes photo, because Paget obviously went all out and had a blast during that photoshoot.
17. My Gayness. Let Me Show You It. // Watch.
Episode: Amplification (4x24)
Yet another one of those ordinary things I adore about Emily. The way she carries herself is wonderfully butch-tastic and it's apparent in everything she does; the casual swing of the suit jacket over her shoulder makes my heart beat just a little bit faster. What I love the most about this, however, is how her conduct doesn't seem a bit out of place or out of character. GHEY indeed.
16. Speaking of teh GAY. //
Watch. Episode: 100 (5x09)
I cannot get over the way Emily sits. And it's not just a random scene here and there, it's every. damn. time. she's sat somewhere. The hallway scene from "100" is particularly perfect, because the camera man/director thought it a fantabulous idea to have the camera sweep up Emily's entire torso. The fangirls send their thanks. Anyway, this scene is a combination of many things I love: Emily's gayness, her nervousness when it comes to facing an authority figure (the foot tapping, playing with her hands), and her wardrobe which is just *unf*. Oh, and the lack of the fringe of DOOM, which still makes me weep with happiness.
15. Because Being a Nerd Is Hot. //
Watch. Episode: Fear and Loathing (2x16)
"You've got to understand. I'm a nerd. Like, seriously." If I hadn't already been completely enamoured with this woman, that line would've sealed the deal at the latest. Emily is a self-proclaimed nerd, but that doesn't mean she still can't kick some serious ass when need be, which is just fantastic.
14. The Scoff of Superiority. //
Watch. Episode: 52 Pickup (4x09)
It's one of the funniest things to see someone annoy Emily so much that she's almost visibly fuming. There are three four details in particular that, collectively, make this scene awesome with a capital 'A': 1) the dyke-y pose, 2) the way Emily says "No??", 3) her scoff of utter superiority, and 4) the utterly gay watch check as she walks out. All in all, Emily handles the whole thing downright beautifully and with snark.
13. She Even Has a Sense of Humour. //
Watch. Episode: The Angel Maker (4x02)
Paget's deadpan delivery of the "He's so life-like" line is what makes this scene so terrific. Also, the incredulous look on Emily's face is absolutely priceless, because it illustrates perfectly what all of us are thinking. As in, "Dude, wut in da hell?". Sidenote: it still makes me titter that JJ's amused reaction is the only one we really see. Grasping at straws, people, grasping at straws.
12. Only Emily Prentiss Can Make a Blessing Sound Like an Obscenity. // Watch.
Episode: Demonology (4x17)
Seriously. Only Emily is able to say "e con il tuo spirito" in a way that sounds "and fuck you too, sir" rather than "may God's love be with you as well". Her verbal skills obviously don't end with being a language genius and talking a dozen languages - could she be more perfect? It's like a linguistic orgasm everytime she opens her mouth. Wait, err..I mean... Ahem, nevermind.
11. That Story of Her Being Geeky? Totally True. //
Watch. Episode: Profiler, Profiled (2x12)
Emily is such a geek, it's so perfect. If Reid had accidentally hit Elle with his rocket (that sounds way dirtier than I intended), the latter would've probably just scolded him, annoyed, and stormed away. But Emily, she's all OMG SHOW ME BECAUSE PHYSICS = COOL, and I love her ten times more for that. Yes, I keep saying it, but how great is it that there's a character who's both geeky and a badass FBI agent? Major love.
10. Threatening Someone with Jail!Rape Shouldn't Be Hot, Should It? //
Watch. Episode: The Slave of Duty (5x10)
Emily's a nerd, but she sure has another side to her as well, namely that of utter badass-ery. First, she delivers a judo kick to the unsub's stomach, straddles the poor guy lucky bastard and proceeds to shove a gun to his face - and she does that last bit while threatening him with jail!rape. I have to admit, seeing the calm and collected Emily Prentiss lose it is really quite hot.
9. She's a Frigging Superwoman. //
Watch. Episode: Retaliation (5x11)
The woman was just in a serious car accident; the car rolled off a cliff and did about ten somersaults. She's bleeding, disoriented and panicky, but even that doesn't switch off the 'Agent mode'. No, she gets her gun, KICKS OUT the windscreen, crawls onto the hood of the car and, without blinking, shoots the crap out of the escaping car. A seriously kick-ass moment if you ever saw one.
8. You Can Practically Hear Her Brain Work. // Watch.
Episode: Seven Seconds (3x05)
I adore this scene (and the one with the aunt) so much, because it's a wonderful example of just how damn smart Emily is. Sure, she can overpower an unsub by drawing her gun, but, in the end, it's all about the brains - and Emily definitely knows how to use hers. You can clearly tell by the look on her face how she figures out puzzle and, ultimately, the entire case. In fact, it's actually quite sexy.
7. Doors, Windows... Emily Can Get through Anything. Watch.
Episode: 3rd Life (3x12) and The Eyes Have It (5x06)
You guys, Emily goes around kicking down doors and elbowing in windows. How ridiculously cool is that?? And she does it while holding a gun & sporting kevlar, which makes it all twice as exquisite. I so do not care that, in real life, she could be seriously injured by a stunt such as putting her elbow through a window. She's frigging Emily Prentiss - that biatch can do ANYTHING.
6. Oh, Your Articulation Skills Amaze Me. Watch.
Episode: Damaged (3x14)
"That guy is a fussy, anal-retentive neat freak" is almost as brilliant a line as "Oh, motherballs". The way Emily says it, the way she articulates that particular line, is just delicious; makes me all hot and bothered. Ahem, I have a thing for linguistic matters, that is all. Anyway, again, she is clearly talented when it comes to verbal skills; I could listen to her repeat this line over and over again.
5. The Moment When You Simply Want to Hug Her (Not in *That* Way). //
Watch. Episode: Demonology (4x17)
I always marvel at this scene. It's nothing if not subtle, but you can still clearly spot all the emotions Emily's feeling as if they were written across her forehead (in which case the writing would be obscured by the ~*~fringe~*~, now that I think about it). Everything from the way she steps away from Rossi, putting distance between them, to the vulnerable look on her face that says "please, don't make me do this" is pure brilliance. The scene simply couldn't have been done better.
4. She Obviously Knows How to Party. //
Watch. Episode: Memoriam (4x07)
Okay, hungover!Emily is, hands down, one of the most hilarious things I have ever seen. Oh, if only we could've seen what took place the night before, because I bet it was EPIC. The cherry on top of the already perfect scene is Emily's "JJ, I swear to God" line and Rossi's subsequent hand gestures to JJ. Oh, our favourite profiler had the complete Vegas experience, I'm certain of it.
3. What Did I Tell You? A Damn Superwoman.
Watch. Episode: Minimal Loss (4x03)
First of all, it's ridiculous how good blood looks on Emily. Like, seriously. Secondly, if you don't see the fabulousness of Emily's character after this scene, there has to be something wrong with you. In a heroic style, she's willing to get beaten to a pulp so that the lives of others wouldn't be put in danger. She's a bloody saint. Besides, the way she repeats "I can take it" is just...damn.
2. The Things They Need to Do for the Job. // Watch.
Episode: 52 Pickup (4x09)
There's a reason Emily often gets the best lines: Paget Brewster's impeccable comic timing. If it wasn't for that, this particular scene wouldn't work at all. "Oh, this is really gonna suck" is one of the best things I've ever head, and the accompanying eye roll makes it even funnier. Oh Emily, I'm sorry it wasn't great for you, but we thank you, because it certainly didn't suck for us!
1. Piss off, You Lot! Prentiss Is Not in the Mood.
Watch. Episode: Cold Comfort (4x14)
There aren't that many things more fabulous than this scene. The cranky & sarcastic version of Emily is hilarious ("I have the magic ingredient. It's called Splenda."), and the fact that she actually flips them the finger is priceless. Besides, the end of the scene is so ridiculously femslashy that I can't even...! The look on Emily's face says exactly where JJ should stick the effing ring. Perfection all around.
Oh, Emily. Why you so perfect? ♥