And it's here. *fangirling overload*

Oct 09, 2008 11:20


This post will be 100% Criminal Minds squeeage, so those who couldn't care less about hot FBI agents (*gasp*), you should probably skip this entry entirely. Those who do care...THIS SHOW IS PERFECTION.

This was such an Emily episode. Although we didn't really get any backstory to her character (boo!), she still ruled the whole thing. And although I'd hoped for more Emily/JJ action, the lack of it didn't disappoint me as much because damn, Emily was amazing.

Although the shortage of Emily/JJ was staggering (probably due to A.J.'s pregnancy -> shorter hours), we do get a few small moments of squee. Like when the camera focuses on JJ instead of anyone else when the news of the raid gone bad are revealed:

And also, later on, when they find out that someone has leaked info to the press, JJ's reaction is the clearest.

But, all in all, too little Emily/JJ, dammit! We need fic. Lots of it.

Anyway, on to the hotness & awesomeness of Emily. I could go on for hours about this, but let me try and limit my babbling to a few caps.

First of all, the 'OMG' face makes a comeback, yet again! We can't have an episode without it.

But my God, Emily rocks. And the über-religious aspect of this episode makes my skin crawl.

Unsub: Which one of you is the FBI agent? [...] God will forgive me for what I must do. [points the gun at Reid] Who is it?
Emily: Me. It's me.

Seriously. Incredibly scary and hot at the same time. Same goes for the following scene. It's amazing, but even when she's all bloodied and beaten up, Emily looks gorgeous.

The way she keeps repeating "I can take it" so that the others wouldn't come to her rescue is heartwrenching.

Damn, violence really shouldn't be that hot, should it?

But it's Emily's strenght that I've admired from the beginning. And it's exactly that strenght which is the theme throughout the episode, really.

Reid: I'm so sorry.
Emily: Nah, it's not as bad as it looks.

Oh, it has to hurt like hell, but she still won't show it. We need fics!

The whole Reid/Emily interaction was sweet. I don't really see it as anything more than two co-workers bonding over a shared experience, but it's still cute. And it's interesting to see how far these two have come, as they definitely had a bumpy start back in Season 2.

Emily: [pushes Reid's book aside] Hey, I need you to listen to me. What Syrus did to me was not your fault. It was my decision and I would do it again. Do you hear me? [Reid sort of smiles] Thank you.
Both: *smiling*

Yeah, I can't see that as anything more than two people finally finding some common ground. Besides, could you imagine those two together? NO WAY.

Anyway, there was also a position, in which I never thought I'd see Emily:

One of those moments that is downright hysterical when taken out of context.

Such an Emily episode. And a hot Emily episode at that.

*hums contently*

And this last one is for atfm, just because. *g*

She's using two ID photos!

I truly and utterly love this show. ♥

My cold is much better today, and I don't think I have a fever anymore (yay!), so I will have to drag my lazy ass to class (nay!).

tv: criminal minds, picspam: criminal minds

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