May 28, 2009 01:18
Sometimes the internet really astounds me, the immeasurable amount of things a person can gain from such a network. The access to people and information that otherwise may have never come into contact with each other. Today was a really good day, I went to the farmers market with Cory and we had a blast, a few good friends showed up to support me (others didn't which made me a little sad) we painted faces and cracked jokes.. for the better part of the day my face was covered in a giant painted flower (Cory was a butterfly) it was fantastic. Then I came home to find something wonderful had happened, a friend I thought was lost in the ether for good found me, through of all things, facebook. This girl was my BEST friend when I was younger, she taught me how to braid my hair, and her grandma taught me how to make perfect grilled cheese, we had birthdays one day apart and always gave each other the best birthday wishes, we had sleepovers all the time, we were in girlscouts together, and I couldn't have asked for a better friend. She was one of the people I missed the most from my old life in simi. I thought about her more frequently than any other friend I lost when we left that town. I am so excited to get to know her again, I can't even find words for how happy I am to have found her again. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in the sad parts, and the painful parts, I forget what an amazing life I have, and what amazing people I have in it. I know that part of getting over something is being upset, but there is another part to it. The part where good things happen, where everything falls into place, the part where you remember oh yeah... this life I lead is pretty fantastic. The bad has been so overwhelming lately I very nearly forgot life isn't always like that. I get so far down into that hole I forget there is a way out. My future is not bleak, my life is not sad or doomed, and more than anything my words and thoughts are not meaningless.