title: 당신은 참... (You're really...)
artist: Sung Shi Kyung (성시경)
album: 여기, 내 맘속에... (Here, In My Heart...)
track number: 11
requested by:
mottomotto7translator's note: He kind of sings in 'sentence parts' and repeats those sentence parts with sometimes changed, sometimes same vocabulary. That got kind of awkward in the english translation, I'm sorry @_@
당신은 참 내게는 참 그런 사람
You’re really, you really are that person to me
바보인 날 조금씩 날 바꾸는 신기한 사람
Slowly changing me, an idiot like me, that amazing person
사랑이 하나인 줄 사랑이 다 그런 줄
Thought there's one love, thought all love is like that
알았던 내게 그랬던 내게
To me who thought like that, to such a me
당신은 참 내게는 참 그런 사람
You’re really, you really are that person to me
초라한 날 웃으며 날 예쁘게 지켜준 사람
Laughing and making me, a miserable me, pretty, that person
모든 게 끝이 난 줄 모든 게 날 잊은 줄
Thought that everything is over, thought that all forgot me
알았던 내게 그랬던 내게
To me who thought like that, to such a me
가지마라 이 순간이 내게도 불빛 같은데
Don't go, this moment is for me too like a gleam
꺼진 내 마음이 네 사랑에 살 것 같은데
My extinguished heart seems to live in your love
가지마라 네 발길이 잠시도 꿈이었는데
Don't go, your steps have been a dream for a while
내게 조금만 이렇게 잠시만 머물러주길
Stay with me a bit, like that just for a while
당신은 참 내게는 참 좋은 사람
You’re really, you really are a good person to me
이처럼 날 언제나 날 바라본 빛나는 사람
Like this, always looking at me, that shiny person
향기로 날 깨우던 그 향기로 날 부르던
Waking me with that fragrance, calling me with that fragrance
너답던 네게 날 지키던 네게
To someone like you, to you who protected me
가지마라 이 순간이 내게도 불빛 같은데
Don't go, this moment is for me too like a gleam
꺼진 내 마음이 네 사랑에 살 것 같은데
My extinguished heart seems to live in your love
가지마라 네 발길이 잠시도 꿈이었는데
Don't go, your steps have been a dream for a while
내게 조금만 이렇게 잠시만 머물러주길
Stay with me a bit, like that just for a while
가지마라 가지마라 넌 내게 불빛 같은데
Don't go, Don't go, you're like a light to me
꺼진 내 마음이 네 사랑에 살 것 같은데
My extinguished heart seems to live in your love
가지마라 난 아직도 고맙단 말도 못하고
Don't go, I still couldn't say thank you
다시는 한번도 욕심내지 못할 사람아
To that person that I can't desire once again
다시는 한번도 욕심내지 못할 사람아
To that person that I can't desire once again
translated by wassereis.livejournal.com
original lyrics: naver
- please credit the translator when reposting.
- you must contact the translator for subbing and other redistribution matters.
- constructive criticism is okay; bashing is not. please keep in mind that the translators are not professionals.
- for more questions & concerns, please leave a comment addressing the issue.
- discussion of the lyrics are always welcome!