Epik High - Wordkill

Mar 25, 2010 15:39

title: Wordkill
artist: Epik High
album: Epilogue
translator's note: don't know if this has been translated already, but decided to give it a go. It's the only song from this album that I really like :)

숨이 막혔으면 해? 눈이 감겼으면 해?
wish I could stop breathing? wish I could close my eyes?
너로 가득했던 가슴에 큰 못이 박혔으면 해?
wish a big nail will carve through the heart that was filled up with you?
어둠속에 갇혔으면 해? 맘의 문이 닫혔으면 해?
wish I was trapped in the dark? wish the door to my heart could close?
따뜻하게 입맞추던 내 입이 피를 삼켰으면 해?
wish blood would fill my mouth that you kissed so warmly?
모든걸 망쳤으면 해? 모든 길이 갈렸으면 해?
wish everything would go wrong? wish every path would be destroyed?
너란 유리조각 파편에 두발을 담궜으면 해?
wish I could dip my two feet in the ocean of glass shards called you?
그토록 다쳤으면 해? 죽도록 아팠으면 해?
wish I was that hurt? wish I could feel as if I was going to die?
그저 이 사랑이란 가면에 상처를 감췄으면 해?
just wish I could hide these scars behind the mask of love?

너의 그 말, 말, 말 그 잔인한 말
your words, words, words, those cruel words
가슴아픈 말 칼날같은 말
hurtful words, words like daggers
너의 그 말, 말, 말 그 잔인한 말
your words, words, words, those cruel words
날 울리는 말 날 죽이는 말
words making me cry, words killing me

everybody breakin' breakin' breakin' me down
everybody breakin' breakin' breakin' me down
everybody breakin' breakin' breakin' me down
breakin' breakin' breakin' me down

손이 묶였으면 해? 땅에 발이 묻혔으면 해?
wish my hands were tied up? wish my feet were buried in the earth?
너로 인해 뛰던 가슴에 분노가 뭉쳤으면 해?
wish anger filled up the heart that used to beat for you?
그림자를 숨겼으면 해? 죽은듯이 숨쉬었으면 해?
wish I could hide my shadow? wish I could breathe as if I'm dead?
서로 영원하자 빌던 하늘에 이별을 훔쳤으면 해?
wish I could pray separation on the sky that we once wished for eternity?
무너지는 꿈꿨으면 해? 고통안에 춤췄으면 해?
wish I could dream of destruction? wish I could dance in pain?
너로 빛이 나던 나의 작품에 큰 불을 붙였으면 해?
wish a big fire could burn my masterpiece that shone because of you?
모든게 뒤틀렸으면 해? 끝으로 이끌렸으면 해?
wish everything could return? wish I could be attracted to the end?
우리 운명이란 가는 사슬에 고리가 끊겼으면 해?
wish the chain of our faith could snap?

너의 그 말, 말, 말 그 잔인한 말
your words, words, words, those cruel words
가슴아픈 말 칼날같은 말
hurtful words, words like daggers
너의 그 말, 말, 말 그 잔인한 말
your words, words, words, those cruel words
날 울리는 말 날 죽이는 말
words making me crying, words killing me

everybody breakin' breakin' breakin' me down
everybody breakin' breakin' breakin' me down
everybody breakin' breakin' breakin' me down
breakin' breakin' breakin' me down

why is everybody
breakin' breakin' breakin' me down
everybody breakin' breakin' breakin' me down
everybody breakin' breakin' breakin' me down
breakin' breakin' breakin' me down

translated by: gogoparty.livejournal.com
original lyrics from: naver music

- please credit the translator when reposting.
- you must contact the translator for subbing and other redistribution matters.
- consecutive criticism is okay; bashing is not. please keep in mind that the translators are not professionals.
- for more questions & concerns, please leave a comment addressing the issue.
- discussion of the lyrics are always welcome

translator: gogoparty, artist: epik high, genre: hip-hop

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