Bremen - 너에게 가다 (Going to You)

Nov 07, 2009 23:51

title: 너에게 가다 (Going to You)
artist: Bremen
album: Bremen
track number: 01
preview: music video

가끔 난 숨이 막혀서
sometimes I'm stiffled
잠시 쉬어갈지 몰라
I don't know if I get some rest
멀리 저 앞에 서 있는
standing there, far away, in front of me
네가 기다려야 할지도 몰라
you, I don't know if you have to wait

*때론 내가 보이지 않아
sometimes I'm not visible
무서운 꿈을 꾸기도 하겠지
also dreaming such scary dreams
혹 다른곳을 보진 않을까
won't I maybe see other places
두려운 생각들도 많겠지
also have a lot of such frightening thoughts

너에게 가고 있다고
I am going to you
나는 널 보고 있다고
I am seeing you
너에게 가고 있다고
I am going to you
나는 널 보고 있다고
I am seeing you

작은 내 마음으로는
into my little heart
조금 버거울지 몰라
don't know if it will be a bit too far
때론 난 모두 잊은듯
sometimes, as if I forgot everything,
그저 네게 기댈지도 몰라
can't know if I'll maybe lean you

translated by
original lyrics: cyworld

- please credit the translator when reposting.
- you must contact the translator for subbing and other redistribution matters.
- constructive criticism is okay; bashing is not. please keep in mind that the translators are not professionals.
- for more questions & concerns, please leave a comment addressing the issue.
- discussion of the lyrics are always welcome!

artist: bremen, translator: wassereis, genre: rock

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