Public Post - Availability WTF

Dec 23, 2007 16:22

So, on Friday it was warm.  Nice and warm.  Almost 40!  YAY!  This meant the *&#&@%*$&^ snow that's been blanketing the state for the last few weeks finally started to melt.

Then yesterday it all froze solid.  Boom.  And dumped more freezing rain on us.  Um, not-yay.

Now it's snowing AGAIN, and there's a good three inches on my nice, formerly snow-free sidewalk.  Internet keeps going in & out, so I won't be on the Warcrack due to high probability of D/C and death.  Sorry MH crew!  I know  I was signed up as main healer/secondary dps for the run this afternoon, but it ain't gonna work.  I probably d/c 'ed at least five times in an hour.  Stupid snow screwing with my wireless.

BORED and trapped in the house.  I think my laundry is giving me the evil eye.  Perhaps I shall go make icons now.  Yes?  Yes.  Good.

real life, availability

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