Public Post -- Availability

Dec 21, 2007 13:08

(This is mostly for teh WoWseres who do not have zee LJ, but read my public posts and wanted to know when I was going to be on this week.)

Thanks to my dearest darling employer NOT closing for the holidays (up yours, university!), I do not have any vacation.  At all.  Sucks to be staff.  Seriously, we're closed the 24th, 25th, and the 1st.  That is it.  Stupid uni.

My upcoming availability for 2008 is as follows:

Monday - Friday  8:30 - 4:00 CST
Tuesdays after 6:00 CST
Saturday & Sunday
By appointment, Pre-play & SP is love!

Monday & Wednesday 6:00 - 11:00 CST
Saturday & Sunday
By appointment for Instance runs with either faction.

This is only for January, as in Feb I have another freelance gig that runs through March 30th.  There go my weeknights.  However!  I will still have Saturdays available.  YAY!

when rl and fandom collide, fandom high, availability, gamer grrl, public post, rpg

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